I am very excited to announce that I have found a new place to do private Astrology Readings, Reiki, Life Coaching, and Hypnosis!! I will be available on Wednesdays and Fridays between 2-7 PM. Please call me for an appointment, as I will not be taking walk-ins. It is located at 65 Pearl St. in lovely downtown Burlington VT (it is a dark red brick building). There is metered street parking and across the street behind the restaurant Bove’s, there are also metered parking spaces. To celebrate this I will be a 20% DISCOUNT (if you mention this ad when booking the appointment) on all my private Astrology Readings during the month of July!!! Please feel free to call me with questions or to book an appointment. #802-999-4677. (Spirit Dancer is not included in this special)
Current Planetary Positions:
Please reference the Blog entry on the date the planet went into that sign for an explanation.
Sun: Leo 7/23-8/23
Moon: Changes signs (approximately) every 2 ½ days.
Mercury: Leo 7/2-7/28, Virgo 7/28-8/8
Venus: Cancer 7/4-7/28, 7/28-8/21
Mars: Gemini 6/20-8/3
Jupiter: Taurus 6/4/11-6/12/12
Saturn: Libra 7/21/10-10/6/12
Uranus: Aries 3/11/11-5/16/2018
Neptune: Pisces 4/4/11-8/4/11, Aquarius 8/4/11-2/3/12
Pluto: Capricorn until 1/20/24
Chiron: Pisces 2/8/11-4/18/2018
Current Retrograde Planets:
Please reference the Blog entry on the date the planet went Retrograde for an explanation.
Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn 4/9/11-9/16/11
Uranus Retrograde in Aries 7/9/11-12/10/11
Neptune Retrograde in Pisces 6/3/11-12/10/11
Chiron Retrograde in Pisces 6/8/11-11/10/11
Coming up Mercury turns Retrograde in the sign of Virgo on 8/2/11-8/26/11!!
I wanted to add a footnote to my entries. I include the time that a transit will be exact so that you can see when it waxes and then when it starts to wane. However, the effects are often felt sometimes even as long as a day or two. The energy is usually felt more strongly during the time leading up to the height and then it slowly starts to dissipate after. Keep in mind that Moon transits tend to last a shorter period of time than planetary transits.
(Sunday 7/24/11)- The bulk of the astrological activity will occur in the early hours of the day. We will have felt this activity yesterday and today. With the Mars forming a tense semisquare with Jupiter, this is not the time to press our luck. Using force may backfire.
Just after midnight, the Moon in Taurus will form an annoying quincunx with Saturn in Libra (exact at 12:41am EST). It may be hard to complete everything on our “list” or to get organized. It’s also possible that our emotions could make it hard to work around this time. Then, Mars in Gemini will make an awkward semisquare with Jupiter in Taurus (exact at 3:07am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Use caution with over spending, over confidence, and taking unnecessary risks with this transit. Place your energy (and you may plenty of it) into positive pursuits….just don’t go chasing rainbows either!
The remainder of the day will be under the influence of the Taurus Moon…
(Monday 7/25/11)- Today will be a busy Lunar-influenced astrological day. There will be seven Moon transits; three out of the seven will be positive. Keep in mind that will Lunar transits are shorter in duration than planetary transits. Early in the morning, the Moon in Taurus will form a positive sextile with Venus in Cancer (exact at 4:44am EST). It is likely that we could receive compliments on how we look or dress. It will be easy to interact with others. This transit is positive for both relationships/love and finances. Then, the Moon in Taurus forms an uncomfortable square with Mercury in Leo (exact at 9:12am EST) possibly causing miscommunications. You may find that you are not able to express yourself as easily or someone may cut you off from saying something. This will also be the beginning of a 3+ hour void of course cycle that will last until the Moon transitions into the chatty Gemini Moon. When the Moon makes no major planetary aspects to another planet, before it switches into the next sign, is call “void of course”. It is best to not do anything new during these times because it has a decreased chance of working or will have delays.
Then, the Moon transitions into chatty Gemini (exact at 12:34pm EST). Good Gemini Moon activities are: communication (including talking, emailing, faxing, writing, etc), working with your hands, interaction with others (especially siblings and teachers), learning something new, diversified interests, mental agility, inquisitiveness, travel, and reading. Things to avoid are: fickleness, information overload, starting too many things & not being able to finish them, hyper activity, talking too much, and indecisiveness. These are all themes that will last the next 2 ½ days. Next, the Moon in Gemini forms an uncomfortable square with Neptune (R) in Pisces (exact at 1:04pm) telling us to not believe everything we are told. Illusion, escapism and deception will be prevalent. On the positive side, creativity will be high around this transit. Then, the Moon in Gemini will positively sextile the Sun in Leo (exact at 5:37pm EST). This is an ideal time to be with friends & loved ones. This transit is conducive for feeling supported. Maybe it’s time to do something nice for your sweetheart? Next, the Moon In Gemini will form a positive sextile with Uranus (R) in Aries (exact at 9:13pm EST) helping us to break out of our rut and even do something that may be somewhat unconventional. Technology (like computers), inventing, New Aged ideologies, and friendships are favored around this transit. Then, the Moon in Gemini forms an uncomfortable square with Chiron (R) in Pisces (exact at 9:15pm EST). Past issues may resurface at this time. If you are sleeping while this occurs, you may dream about the past. It may be possible to run into someone that will tell you how to do something (even if they have never done it themselves….annoying!). Lastly, the Moon in Gemini will make an annoying quincunx with powerful Pluto (R) in Capricorn (exact at 11:16pm EST). Certainly this can bring up jealousy issues, power struggles, hidden fears, and obsessions. It is best to keep things a little superficial. This transit could cause frustrations on blending work and family time (especially if you have children).
(Tuesday 7/26/11)- I will be doing Astrological Readings at Spirit Dancer today between 3-6pm (I take my last reading at 5:30pm). This is a great opportunity to get an introductory reading from me at a discount-$30 ½ hr. They are located at 125 S. Winooski Ave in Burlington, VT (across from the fire station). Walk-ins are welcome or you can call me for a time. The store’s number is 802-660-8060.
Compared to the last few days, today will be astrologically much lighter. There will be one pleasant Lunar transit. In the later morning, the Moon in Gemini will make a flowing trine to Saturn in Libra (exact at 11:35am EST). This is a great time for organization, house cleaning, filing, recycling, and being disciplined. This is also beneficial for starting a diet or health regimen (like quitting smoking). Sometimes others will ask for help around this transit, but it won’t be burdensome, we will be happy to assist!
The remainder of the day will be under the influence of the Gemini Moon….
(Wednesday 7/27/11)- I am very excited to announce that I have found a new place to do private Astrology Readings, Reiki, Life Coaching, and Hypnosis!! I will be available on Wednesdays and Fridays between 2-7 PM. Please call me for an appointment, as I will not be taking walk-ins. It is located at 65 Pearl St. in lovely downtown Burlington VT (it is a dark red brick building). There is metered street parking and across the street behind the restaurant Bove’s there are also metered parking spaces. To celebrate this I will be a 20% DISCOUNT (if you mention this ad when booking the appointment) on all my private Astrology Readings during the month of July!!! Please feel free to call me with questions or to book an appointment. #802-999-4677.
Today has the potential for being relatively pleasant. Inspirational ideas and creativity will take precedence. The only bump in the road will be when the Sun forms an unpleasant aspect with Chiron causing a delay in the healing process. Later in the afternoon, the Moon will form its monthly conjunction with Mars both in Gemini (exact at 12:55pm EST). As with most Mars transits, I usually will recommend some form of physical exercise (yes, that includes gardening, working on the car, housework, etc.). This can increase physical vitality & health (and passion too). It is important to properly channel the excess energy; otherwise arguments and nitpicking could result. Next, Sun in Leo will quincunx Chiron (R) in Pisces (exact at 2:54pm). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. This could bring up past memories (or hurts). Chiron puts an emphasis on healing and forgiveness. Then, the Sun in Leo will form a beautiful flowing trine with Uranus (R) in Aries (exact at 3:43pm EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Ready for some inspiration, excitement, or change? This could be a time that you will discover a new way to do something or break from old habits. You could meet someone that is creative (or unique) and could serve as your muse. Try to get out and enjoy nature and is also positive for athletics. A good time to go with the flow…..you never know, something wonderful could happen! Next, the Moon in Gemini will form a positive sextile to Mercury in Leo (exact at 8:35pm EST). This will make us want to reach out to friends and family to chat. This transit helps with the flow of communication. It will be easier to express how we feel around this transit. This will start a short 35 minute void-of-course Moon cycle that will last until the Moon transitions into sensitive Cancer (exact at 9:11pm EST). Good Cancer Moon activities are: anything to do with home and family, cooking, maternal/mothering, being emotional, crafts, sensitivity, empathy, finances, savings, and care-taking. Things to avoid are: holding grudges, feeling slighted (possibly with little or no cause), over sensitivity, emotional eating, stubbornness, and being grumpy. All of these themes will be highlighted over the next 2 ½ days…. Lastly, the Moon in Cancer will form a flowing trine to Neptune (R) in Pisces (exact at 9:33pm EST) causing our imagination/creativity to soar. This transit is also beneficial for daydreaming, idealism, intuition, romance, music, poetry, abstract ideas, mysticism, etc. It is possible to be more charming (or to meet charming people) around this transit. (I wouldn’t make a big decision around this time).
(Thursday 7/28/11)- Today will be a busy day! Both Venus and Mercury will be changing signs. Keep in mind that Mercury will be going Retrograde next Tuesday on August 2. This is a good time to get things completed or to start new projects because when Mercury goes Retrograde that is not a favorable time to start new things. All of this activity could be very stimulating, however there are two planetary quincunxes in the afternoon possibly causing a blockage. Even though Venus will have us thinking about love and relationships this may not be an auspicious time for romantic pursuits.
The astrological day starts when the Moon in Cancer will form a flowing trine with (the “Wounded Healer”) Chiron (R) in Pisces (exact at 5:10am EST). You may be presented with an opportunity to heal or to be healed. Holistic and alternative medicine is especially favored. Serendipitous moments abound! Just after, the Moon in Cancer uncomfortably squares Uranus (R) in Aries (exact at 5:15am EST). This is a time where someone around you may challenge tradition. You may also want to buck the system. An unexpected event or surprise could catch you off-guard. It is possible to experience issues with technology or mechanical issues. This could cause disturbed dreams and/or sleep (possibly inspirational or vivid dreams). Next, the Moon in Cancer will form its monthly opposition to Pluto (R) in Capricorn (exact at 7:08am EST). This can signify a (short) period of intensity. Someone could challenge you in an area where you are sensitive. Another possibility is that you may spend too much time analyzing instead of acting. Avoid underhanded tactics because someone will be more apt to notice.
Then, the planet Venus (ruler of love, art, beauty & finances) will be transitioning into the proud sign of Leo (exact at 10:59am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Our expression of love will change dramatically! Words and phrases to describe Leo are: “I Will!”, Fixed/Fire, warm, kind, generous, actor/theater, drama, loyal, domineering, proud, dignified, egocentric, creative, gambler/speculation, honest, noble, love children (especially their own), and games. A lot of “larger than life” people are Leos. It is common for actors and performers to be Leo or have heavy Leo in their chart (Leo needs recognition). Areas of the body associated with Leo are the heart, gall bladder, & spine. Stones: Ruby, Onyx, Carnelian, Golden Topaz, and Tourmaline. In the past 3+ weeks Venus has been in the sensitive & conservative sign of Cancer. We will be emerging from a time-frame that involved sensitivity to other people's feelings (Cancer) and will be moving into a time involving a more self-centered point of view (Leo). That doesn't sound entirely pleasant and there is a big movement to move away from being in a state of ego, but sometimes it's important to go within and find out what's really important to you when it comes to relationships. We have all met the type of person that gets walked all over by their partner and in this time-frame it could be very beneficial to them because it helps them to identify more with the self. However, if you're the type of person that only thinks of himself (or herself) or your partner is that type of person then this could exacerbate that trait. It's interesting how there are always pluses and minuses to every astrological transit! Leo’s are generally warm people and usually like to show their love with gifts and bold declarations. We may want to “play” with our partner. We may go to shows, concerts, or other forms of entertainment. If you are single, this would be a good way to meet new people, so don’t decline any invitations. Children (or pets that we consider our children) may be on our mind more during this time. It would be a great time to pursue a career or charity that benefited children. We may be more inclined to gamble or invest our money in speculative investments during this time (obviously if you have the funds, that is great. If you don’t, then certainly use caution!). It depends where Venus/Leo falls within your chart in order to know how this will affect you on a personal level. Venus will be in this playful sign until 8/21/11 when it will transitions into perfectionist Virgo.
In the afternoon, the Moon in Cancer makes a positive sextile with Jupiter in Taurus (exact at 12:50pm EST) helping us to feel optimistic and/or lucky. This is an ideal time to be with friends or to work with a group of people. It is also beneficial for spirituality/religion, higher or continuing education, horses, law/legal matters, advertising, sales, and publishing.Then, Mercury (the ruler of communication & transportation) will transition into its native sign of Virgo (exact at 1:59pm EST). Words and phrases to describe Virgo are: “I Analyze!”, Mutable/Earth, detail oriented, perfection, curious, service, criticism, conscientious, health, intelligent, analytical, worry, improvement to others lives, and practical. It is associated with the abdominal area, gastrointestinal system (large and small intestines), spleen, solar plexus, and lower lobes of the liver. Its metal is Mercury and Stones are: Jade, Moss Agate, and Blue Sapphire. Mercury will only be in Virgo for the next week and a half. That is because Mercury will be turning Retrograde on August 2nd. While Mercury is in Virgo, our mental processes will become more serious, detail-oriented, thorough, and service minded. Sometimes this can cause analysis-paralysis. It is important that we don’t lose site of the big picture, while we are conscious of all the small details. We also may find that we become more health conscious and will be thinking more about the food & vitamins that we put into our bodies. It depends on where Mercury/Virgo falls with in your own chart in order to know how this will affect you on a personal level. Please remember that Mercury is going Retrograde this year in all of the fire signs and will be traveling backwards into the sign of Leo on August 8th. Try to confirm all of your travel plans now so there aren't any mix ups or delays.
The trouble begins when, Venus in Leo forms an annoying quincunx with Neptune (R) in Pisces (exact at 2:33pm EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Looking for the truth? Try another time. It is usually hard to swim through the murky waters that Neptune creates. Idealism, love, & escapism all rolled up into one big rose-colored package! It will be hard to take off our blinders around this transit, so wait until another day before serious declarations of love or before signing on the dotted line! Creativity, music, art, films, etc. will be favored. Dreams tonight may be prophetic or sentimental. Just after, the Sun in Leo will form an uncomfortable quincunx with Pluto (R) in Capricorn (exact at 5:30pm). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Power, power, power…did I say power? This one will draw power struggles to us like a magnet. If someone wants to fight, don’t bite…just walk away. This is a time where we may want to get deep and explore our subconscious but everyone around us wants to keep it superficial. We may feel passionate, but for some reason may not be able to express our passion. Quincunxes usually present an obstacle….but that doesn’t mean that we can’t find a way around the obstacle! Then, the Moon in Cancer will form an uncomfortable square with Saturn in Libra (exact at 7:03pm EST). Luckily the duration of this event is short. Sometimes this can give us a feeling of loneliness or isolation. We may feel passed over or possibly not getting the recognition that we deserve. It is better to work on organization around this time. This will start a LONG void-of-course Moon cycle that will last until FRIDAY when the Moon transitions into proud Leo…
(Friday 7/29/11)- I am very excited to announce that I have found a new place to do private Astrology Readings, Reiki, Life Coaching, and Hypnosis!! I will be available on Wednesdays and Fridays between 2-7 PM. Please call me for an appointment, as I will not be taking walk-ins. It is located at 65 Pearl St. in lovely downtown Burlington VT (it is a dark red brick building). There is metered street parking and across the street behind the restaurant Bove’s there are also metered parking spaces. To celebrate this I will be a 20% DISCOUNT (if you mention this ad when booking the appointment) on all my private Astrology Readings during the month of July!!! Please feel free to call me with questions or to book an appointment. #802-999-4677.
The strange thing about today is that the Moon will be in a long void-of-course cycle for the entire day today. This is certainly not conducive to forward movement. In addition, Mercury is going to oppose Neptune which will make things fuzzy, or even worst-case scenario, bring about deception. On days where there is very little astrological activity and also the Moon is void-of-course people often complain that the day is boring and uneventful. This could be one of those Fridays where you find yourself looking at the clock and only a few minutes have passed by.
Exactly at midnight, Mercury in Virgo will oppose Neptune (R) in Pisces (exact at 12:00am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. If you are sleeping during the height of this, you could have prophetic or “visitation” dreams. Be very careful (especially) with business dealings around this time. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is! Review all fine print closely and if possible put off signing any contracts. We will want to idealize people/situations around this time. To put it bluntly, we could be more susceptible to manipulation or someone fibbing to get their way. On the positive side: creativity, intuition, and imagination could be increased too.
The remainder of the day will be under the void-of-course Moon in the Cancer….
(Saturday 7/30/11)- The Moon will transition into Leo (exact at 2:16am EST). Good activities to do when the Moon is in Leo are: anything to do with performing or theater, seeing a show, dressing up & looking nice, managing, feeling proud, entrepreneurial endeavors, gambling, playing games, routing for the underdog and taking care of children. Things to avoid are being too bossy, acting egotistical, and going over the top. All of these themes will be highlighted over the next 2 ½ days. Just after, the Moon in Leo forms an annoying quincunx with Neptune (R) in Pisces (exact at 2:31am EST). Neptune’s influence can cause us to be fuzzy and idealistic. It is therefore, not an ideal time to make bold moves and big decisions. It is possible that we may have trouble accessing our intuition around this time. If sleeping, it would be possible to have prophetic or “visitation” dreams. Then, the Moon will conjunct Venus both in Leo (exact at 6:03am EST). We will want to experience love on a visceral level. This is a great time to: pamper ourselves, decorate, shop (because we will have an “eye” for things that look good), artistic endeavors, creativity, and be in the company of loved ones. Sometimes this transit can have us feeling a little indolent; it is actually a favored time for finances. Next, the Moon in Leo forms an annoying quincunx with Chiron (R) in Pisces (exact at 9:37am EST). Past issues may resurface at this time. It may be hard to forgive & forget around this time. Remember that forgiveness gives you peace within yourself and is not necessarily for the other person. Just after, the Moon in Leo will form a flowing trine with Uranus (R) in Aries (exact at 9:47am EST) helping us to step up to the plate and do the right thing, even though it may be somewhat unconventional. We could get sudden revelations or ideas, so write them down! Technology (like computers), inventing, New Age ideologies, and friendships are favored around this transit. Then, the New Moon in Leo will make an annoying quincunx with powerful Pluto (R) in Capricorn (exact at 11:32am EST). Certainly this can bring up jealousy issues, power struggles, hidden fears, and obsessions. It is best to keep things a little superficial. This transit could cause frustrations on blending work and family time (especially if you have children).In the afternoon, the height of the New Moon that will occur in the sign of Leo (exact at 2:40pm EST). New Moons are considered to be highly auspicious times for starting new things, new ideas, new projects, and manifesting. All of Leo Moon themes will be highlighted/amplified. I personally, like to do space clearing and meditating around this time. The New Moon is always accompanied by a conjunction with the Sun (also in Leo). This usually makes us feel connected & supported by loved ones. It’s easier to talk about our emotions during this transit. Just use caution however, because there may be so much energy that we could encounter egotistical behavior or attitudes. It depends on where the Moon/Sun/Leo are located in your chart in order to know how this will affect you on a personal level. Then, the New Moon in Leo will form an uncomfortable square with Jupiter in Torus (exact at 5:22pm EST). Someone could challenge your beliefs at this time. It’s possible that you could find out someone within your group has been acting behind your back or is at odds with the greater good. Dealings with groups of people or legal matters are unfavorable around this time. Lastly, the Moon in Leo will form a positive sextile to Saturn in Libra (exact at 11:09pm EST). Time to tap into our inner discipline, goal setting, organization and attention to details. We may want to make long term plans in our close relationships.
Mark your calendars! Tuesday (8/2) Mercury turns Retrograde, Wednesday (8/3) Mars transitions into the sign of Cancer, and Thursday (8/4) Neptune Retrograde travels backwards into the sign of Aquarius for the last time.
The above transits are often felt collectively but you would need to know where within your chart that they would fall. As always, I am available for a professional astrological reading. I now have a variety of charts to choose from (relationship, life path, time-line, etc). I can do readings in-person, Skype, or over the phone. Or if you’re not into having a reading, I can just supply a chart. Please feel free to contact me for more information! Have a great week! Bye for now……
Peace & Light,
Gretchen A. Hidell, Astrologer
Intuitive Counselor, Reiki Master, Gem/Crystal Work
NLP Hypnotherapy Life Coach
Ordained Minister (Non-Denominational) & Certified Spiritual Healer