Please reference the Blog entry on the date the planet went into that sign for an explanation.
Sun: Libra 9/22-10/22
Moon: Changes signs (approximately) every 2 ½ days.
Mercury: Virgo 7/27-10/3, Libra 10/3-10/20
Venus: Scorpio 9/8-11/7, Libra 11/7-11/29
Mars: Scorpio 9/14-10/28
Jupiter: Pisces 9/9-1/22/11
Saturn: Libra 7/21/10-10/6/12
Uranus: Pisces 8/13/10-3/12/11
Neptune: Aquarius until 4/4/11
Pluto: Capricorn until 1/20/24
Chiron: Aquarius until 2/8/11
Current Retrograde Planets:
Please reference the Blog entry on the date the planet went Retrograde for an explanation.
Jupiter in Pisces Retrograde 7/23/10-11/18/10
Uranus in Pisces Retrograde 7/5/10-12/5/10
Neptune in Aquarius Retrograde 5/31/10-11/7/10
Chiron in Aquarius Retrograde 6/4/10-11/6/10
Venus Turns Retrograde 10/8/10-11/18/10!!
Did you ever feel like the energy in your home is stagnant? Some of you may or may not know that I have had an interest in energetic-space clearing of homes and businesses (and have been performing Space Clearings for some time now). I have also been studying Feng Shui for the last few years and just became a Reiki Master recently. After selling Real Estate for the last 9 years now (and being intuitive and sensitive to energies), I feel this is a natural and logical next step. I will come to your home or business and perform a ritual/blessing to clear away the negative energy. I try to schedule it during a time that is in alignment with beneficial planetary aspects/lunar phases. I am adding this as an additional service that I can offer to my Vermont clients and my rate is $60 per hour (the time depends on the size of the structure). There may be an additional fee for travel time depending on your location. Feel free to call or email me with questions! Namaste!
I wanted to add a footnote to my entries. I include the time that a transit will be exact so that you can see when it waxes and then when it starts to wane. However, the effects are often felt sometimes even as long as a day or two (or longer). The energy is usually felt more strongly during the time leading up to the height and then it slowly starts to dissipate after. Keep in mind that Moon transits tend to last a shorter period of time than planetary transits.
(Sunday 10/3/10)- Overnight, the Moon in Leo will form a positive sextile to Saturn in Libra (exact at 3:53am EST). Time to tap into our inner discipline, goal setting, organization and attention to details. We may want to make long term plans in our close relationships. Then, the Moon in Leo will positively sextile the Sun in Libra (exact at 7:26am EST). This is an ideal time to be with friends & loved ones. This transit is conducive for feeling supported. Maybe it’s time to do something nice for your sweetheart?
Next, Mercury (the ruler of communication & transportation) will transition into diplomatic Libra (exact at 11:04am EST). Words and phrases to describe Libra are: “I Balance!”, Cardinal/Air, fairness, beauty (did I say Beauty?), partnership, aesthetics, harmony, indecision, dependence, fickle, and gracious. Libras make great judges because they are often able to see both sides. Creativity in your life! Its physical associations are the kidneys, lumbar area of the back, buttocks and adrenal glands. Its metal is Copper & Stones are: Quartz, Marble, Peridot, Lapis Lazuli, Opal, and Rose Quartz. During the next 2+ weeks, our mental processes will become more relationship oriented, diplomatic, and fair. This Mercurial phase is beneficial for achieving balance and harmony in communications. Don’t be fooled, Libras love a good debate (as long as it doesn’t involve shouting or cutting words) and are often skilled at arguing both sides. Libra is famous for its indecision they will often vacillate for a long time before finally making a decision. Therefore, we may be more fickle with our interests or even develop analysis-paralysis around this time. We won’t enjoy confrontation and may even tell small white lies to avoid it. Certainly we will have a deeper appreciation for love, art, and beauty. This transit can give us an extra smoothness or charm and will be beneficial for anyone that works in public relations, mediation, human resources, law, psychology, or any field where you need to deal with people. It depends where Libra/Mercury falls within your chart in order to know how this will affect you on a personal level. Mercury will transition into Scorpio on 10/20/10. Next, the Moon will highlight the Venus/Mars conjunction that will occur later today. The Moon in Leo will form an uncomfortable square with Mars in Scorpio (exact at 11:40am EST). As with all Mars transits, I recommend doing something physical or exercising around this time (gardening, housework, working on the car, etc. all count!). Sexuality can be enhanced around this transit. Did you ever have a moment where circumstances seem like they are conspiring against you? Often, this transit results in a culmination of things that can be annoying. Sometimes small irritations or quarrels can result. Then, the Moon in Leo will square Venus in Scorpio (exact at 11:54am EST). Although we will have a drive to be with others around this time, it would be best to avoid heavy conversations pertaining to love. Sometimes the object of our affections is just out of reach (or otherwise detained) around this transit. The is not a good time to go shopping or work on beautification because what we think looks good now may seem like a bad idea at a later time.
Later in the day one of my favorite transits will occur when Venus conjuncts Mars both in Scorpio (exact at 5:58pm EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Wow, Venus the sign of love meets up with the planet Mars that influences physicality and sexuality! Needless to say we may be feeling friskier around this time! We will enjoy being social, so get out and enjoy the day! We will want to act on our feelings around this time. I always advise doing some sort of physical activity whenever Mars is involved because Mars’ energy will want to get out one way or another. This is also a good time to look within and find your “heart’s desire” whether that be a person, vocation, hobby or otherwise. This transit will be active for most of the weekend into Monday.
(Monday 10/4/10)- There will be an astrologically active day with 5 Moon transits and 3 planetary transits. Keep in mind that Lunar transits are shorter in duration that planetary ones. The planetary energy is somewhat reversed from our natural cycle. Overnight we will experience an energizing transit when Mars & Uranus meet up. However, during the day the Sun will aspect both Neptune & Chiron which could take away some of our energy and make us feel fuzzy or sleepy. If you are sensitive to cosmic activity, you may have trouble sleeping or could have an active dream state today. Whenever there is this much cosmic activity, try to stay grounded.
Overnight, Mars in Scorpio forms an uncomfortable sesquisquare with transiting Uranus (R) in Pisces (exact at 2:17am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Time to expect the unexpected! A steady approach is best during this time. The urge to be impulsive will be strong. This can be a great time for innovation and sudden breakthroughs just make sure to think things through before you act. As with any Mars transit physical activity is favored (to assist in positively channeling the extra energy). Those prone to nervous conditions and anxiety may have difficulty around this transit. Then the Sun in Libra will form a slightly uncomfortable sesquisquare with nebulous Neptune (R) in Aquarius (exact at 9:27am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Dreaming and daydreaming of the good old days? This one could zap some of our energy. We could feel fuzzy and have trouble focusing. Best to relax or focus on creative endeavors! Next, the Moon in Leo will form its monthly opposition with Neptune (R) in Aquarius (exact at 9:52am EST) causing our imagination/creativity to soar. I wouldn’t make a big decision around this time. Especially since this will also enhance escapism (people with drug or alcohol issues will have trouble around this transit). This will start a 6+ hour void-of-course Moon cycle that will last until the Moon transitions into service-oriented Virgo. When the Moon makes no major planetary aspects to another planet, before it switches into the next sign, is call “void of course”. It is best to not do anything new during these times because it has a decreased chance of working or will have delays. Then, the Moon in Leo forms a stressful opposition with Chiron (R) in Aquarius (exact at 10:28am EST). Past issues may resurface at this time. It may be possible to run into someone that will tell you how to do something (even if they have never done it themselves)….annoying! Just after, the Moon in Leo will quincunx Jupiter (R) in Pisces (exact at 10:37am EST). This is a time where you could feel disconnected from the group. Someone could challenge your beliefs around this time. Our optimism or self-confidence may be a little low. This is not a time to rely on luck. Don’t worry, this will be temporary!
In the afternoon, the Moon in Leo forms an annoying quincunx with Uranus (R) in Pisces (exact at 12:55pm EST). This is a time where someone around you may challenge tradition. You may also want to buck the system. An unexpected event or surprise could catch you off-guard. The Moon transitions into service-oriented Virgo (exact at 4:00pm EST). Good Virgo Moon activities are: organization, being detail-oriented, service to others, health improvement, intellectual pursuits, practicality, research, and really anything that requires precision. Things to avoid are: being overly perfectionistic, excessive worry, analysis paralysis, criticism, and being too caught up in the details that we can’t see the forest through the trees. All of these themes will be prominent in the next 2 1/2 days. Next, the Sun in Libra will form a slightly uncomfortable sesquisquare with Chiron (R) in Aquarius (exact at 6:04pm EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Did something come up recently that made you start thinking about that situation all over again? Living in the past is so time consuming and can be painful. Try not to let your ego get in the way, and allow the healing to begin! Lastly, the Moon in Virgo will form a flowing trine to Pluto (R) in Capricorn (exact at 8:41pm EST). This will greatly assist us in processing our emotions and is beneficial for all types of counseling & cathartic experiences. It will be hard to be superficial around this time. Both Virgo & Capricorn are earth signs, so this is a good time for gardening or connecting with nature.
(Tuesday 10/5/10)- I will be doing Astrological Readings at Spirit Dancer today between 2-5pm (I take my last reading at 5pm). This is a great opportunity to get an introductory reading from me at a discount. They are located at 125 S. Winooski Ave in Burlington, VT (across from the fire station). Walk-ins are welcome or you can call me for a time. The store’s number is #802-660-8060.
Today will begin with a powerful transit when Mercury in Libra will form an uncomfortable square with intense Pluto (R) in Capricorn (exact at 2:08am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. It may be harder to access deeper thoughts around this time. This is actually a better time for superficial activities. Keep things light! Not a good time to do research or to “dig below the surface”. Another scenario is that outside influences could affect you and you may need to change how you think about a situation. Adjustment (on your part) may be needed to come out on the winning end. Verbal sparring or debates could end in disastrous results. Others won’t want to back down right now. Just go with the flow right now. Then, Mercury in Libra will form a slightly uncomfortable sesquisquare with Uranus (R) in Pisces (exact at 4:22am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. These two planets are sort-of the “live wires” of the zodiac. People with ADD, hyper activity, anxiety, nervous conditions, etc., may have difficulty around this time. We may get ideas or sudden insights, but we may be too scattered to stop and think them through. There is a possibility that you may encounter someone that serves as inspiration. Awakening. There could be sudden changes in our plans, travel snafus, and issues surrounding just remain flexible. There may be difficulty or disruption with sleep.
In the afternoon, the Moon will positively aspect the Venus/Mars conjunction that occurred on Sun 10/3. The Moon in Virgo will form a positive sextile with Venus in Scorpio (exact at 1:01pm EST). It is likely that we could receive compliments on how we look or dress. It will be easy to interact with others. This transit is positive for both relationships/love and finances. Then, the Moon in Virgo will form a positive sextile with Mars in Scorpio (exact at 2:42pm EST). As with all Mars transits, I recommend doing something physical or exercising around this time (the energy will need a constructive outlet). Sexuality can be enhanced around this transit. Our feelings will be in alignment with how we act. Make sure to put your actions toward positive pursuits!
(Wednesday 10/6/10)- In the morning, the Moon in Virgo forms an annoying quincunx with Neptune (R) in Aquarius (exact at 9:49am EST). Neptune’s influence can cause us to be fuzzy and idealistic. It is therefore, not an ideal time to make bold moves and big decisions. It is possible that we may have trouble accessing our intuition around this time. The Moon in Virgo makes a stressful opposition with Jupiter (R) in Pisces (exact at 10:12am EST). Sometimes this can zap our self-confidence. Conversely, we could also feel a little too confident and over state our abilities (possibly over promising). Just remember you won’t always feel this way and there are only so many hours in a day….it is OK to say no! Next, the Moon in Virgo forms an annoying quincunx with Chiron (R) in Aquarius (exact at 10:21am EST). Past issues may resurface at this time. It may be hard to forgive & forget around this time. Remember that forgiveness gives you peace within yourself and is not necessarily for the other person.
In the afternoon, the Moon in Virgo will make its monthly opposition to Uranus (R) in Pisces (exact at 12:43pm EST). This is not an ideal time to break from the tried and true. Even with the best of intentions to stick with details & organization, an outside event may steer you in a different direction. This will also be the beginning of a 3+ hour void of course cycle that will last until the Moon transitions into relationship-oriented Libra (exact at 3:52pm EST). Activities that are favorable during a Libra Moon are: fairness, beauty (did I say beauty?), partnerships, joint enterprise, aesthetics, harmony, graciousness, cooperation, justice, peace, and romance. Things to avoid are: indecision, dependence, fickle, and lying (to avoid confrontation). Libras make great judges and counselors because they are often able to see both sides. Its physical associations are: the kidneys, lumbar area of the back, buttocks, and adrenal glands. All of these themes will be accentuated during the next 2 ½ days. Lastly, the Moon in Libra will square intense Pluto (R) in Capricorn (exact at 8:30pm EST) possibly throwing a speed bump in our path. Someone could know how to push our buttons and really get under our skin. It is important to have good boundaries with others and remember not to overstep yours.
(Thursday 10/7/10)- The transits occurring today are interesting. There will be a conjunction with the New Moon, the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn all in the sign of Libra. Conjunctions are like a laser beam of energy; very concentrated and direct. With four celestial bodies shining their energy all at once…well, it could be intense. The height of the Mercury/Saturn conjunction will be tomorrow morning (read that entry for more details). Today should be a great day to get things done, get organized, or tackle a project that has been hanging over your head. Overnight, the Moon will conjunct Mercury both in Libra (exact at 2:08am EST) assisting with communication, short distance travel and feeling supported by others. It will be very easy to express feelings and emotions around this time. This is a great time to write (like journaling) or to express emotions. Then, the Moon conjuncts Saturn both in Libra (exact at 5:24am EST). This is an all work no play transit. Best to concentrate on: work, organization, gardening/planting (connecting with nature in general especially soil, woods, & forest), and details. This would also be an ideal time to start a new health or exercise regime.
In the afternoon, the height of the New Moon in the sign of Libra will occur (exact at 2:45pm EST). The New Moon is considered to be beneficial for new ideas, new projects, and manifesting. All of the Libra Moon themes will be highlighted/amplified. I personally like to do space clearing and meditating during this time. The New Moon is always accompanied by a conjunction with the Sun (also in Libra). This usually makes us feel connected & supported by loved ones with emphasis on relationships. It’s easier to talk about our emotions during this transit. It depends on where the Moon/Sun/Libra is located in your chart in order to know how it will affect you on a personal level.
(Friday 10/8/10)- Venus (the planet that rules over love, art, beauty & to a lesser extent finances) turns Retrograde in the sign of Scorpio (exact at 3:05am EST). (Retrograde meaning: As all planets orbit around one another, they do so at different rates. Long ago Astronomers/Astrologers believed that the planets seemed to slow down and eventually reverse their orbit. This in fact, is an optical illusion caused by different orbit speeds, when viewed from Earth. This process is called a Retrograde in Astrology. In interpretation it means that the planet is somewhat weakened and the energies are harder to access). See Blog entry from 9/8/10 for a description of Venus in Scorpio. Retrogrades are best used to re-evaluate issues and not to start anything new. During Venus’ last Retrograde cycle I noticed on Facebook that there were so many posts from people that were complaining about their relationships. Things pertaining to love & finances may feel more stressed during this time. Old flames may come back into our lives or you may find yourself fantasizing about an old flame. Just remember, an ex is an ex for a reason! This is not the most ideal time to start a new relationship. This is an ideal time to really look within and to see why your relationships are the way they are. Does that person really have things in common with you? Do they support you when you need it the most? Or are things always about them? Do you push love away based on physicality or insecurities? Why are you attracting the same type of person over & over? You get the idea. Sometimes it is good to put even the best relationship under the microscope for just a little while, just to see if you are both on the same page. Because Venus is in Scorpio during this Retrograde cycle, the focus could be on passion, jealousies, and trust issues. Venus will return back to the sign of Libra on 11/7 and will remain Retrograde until 11/18/10.
In the morning, Mercury forms its yearly conjunction with Saturn both in Libra (exact at 7:35am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. A slow and steady approach is called for. Focus on one thing at a time, otherwise there is a good chance mistakes will be made or it will need to be done over anyway. It may be possible that we are slower than normal in learning something (people with learning disabilities may have trouble around this time). It is possible to experience solidarity. Focus on balance and fairness and stick with the facts if you need to communicate. Don’t try to tackle too many things around this transit. A great time for building foundations!! Then, the Moon in Libra will form a flowing trine to Neptune (R) in Aquarius (exact at 9:38am EST) causing our imagination/creativity to soar. This transit is also beneficial for daydreaming, idealism, intuition, romance, music, poetry, abstract ideas, mysticism, etc. It is possible to be more charming (or to meet charming people) around this transit. (I wouldn’t make a big decision around this time). If you are sleeping while this event occurs, it may be possible to have prophetic or “visitation” dreams around this time. This will also be the beginning of a 6+ hour void of course cycle that will last until the Moon transitions into passionate Scorpio Moon. The Moon in Libra will quincunx Jupiter (R) in Pisces (exact at 9:41am EST). This is a time where you could feel disconnected from the group. Someone could challenge your beliefs around this time. Our optimism or self-confidence may be a little low. This is not a time to rely on luck. Don’t worry, this will be temporary! Then, the Moon in Libra will form a flowing trine with (the “Wounded Healer”) Chiron (R) in Aquarius (exact at 10:08am EST). You may be presented with an opportunity to heal or to be healed. Holistic and alternative medicine is especially favored. Serendipitous moments abound!
In the afternoon, the Moon in Libra forms an annoying quincunx with Uranus (R) in Pisces (exact at 12:31pm EST). This is a time where someone around you may challenge tradition. You may also want to buck the system. An unexpected event or surprise could catch you off-guard. The Moon will transition into intense Scorpio (exact at 3:52pm EST). Favorable Scorpio Moon activities are: anything related to research, occult, detective work, self-discovery, digging below the surface (both figural & literal), passion, mysteries, secrets, etc. Things that are not favored or exacerbated during the Moon in Scorpio are: jealousy, anger, intensity, and surgery (it can delay healing time). These will be themes over the next 2 ½ days. Lastly, the Moon in Scorpio will make a supportive sextile to Pluto (R) in Capricorn (exact at 8:40pm EST). This will be a favorable time to look below the surface and have in-depth conversations or counseling. This is a time that we could be feeling passionate or intense. This transit will amplify the Scorpio Lunar traits.
(Saturday 10/9/10)- Overnight, the Moon will conjunct Venus both in Scorpio (exact at 1:35pm EST). We will want to experience love on a visceral level. This is a great time to: pamper ourselves, decorate, shop (because we will have an “eye” for things that look good), artistic endeavors, creativity, and be in the company of loved ones. Sometimes this transit can have us feeling a little indolent; it is actually a favored time for finances. Then, Mercury in Libra forms an uncomfortable sesquisquare with Neptune (R) in Aquarius (exact at 5:02am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Be careful (especially) with business dealings around this transit. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is! Review all fine print closely and if possible put off signing any contracts. We will want to idealize people/situations around this time. On the positive side: creativity, intuition, and imagination could be increased too.
In the evening, the Moon will form its monthly conjunction with Mars both in Scorpio (exact at 8:06pm EST). As with most Mars transits, I usually will recommend some form of physical exercise (yes, that includes gardening, working on the car, housework, etc.). This can increase physical vitality & health (and passion too). It is important to properly channel the excess energy; otherwise arguments and nitpicking could result. Lastly Mercury in Virgo will form a slightly uncomfortable sesquisquare with the “Wounded Healer” Chiron (R) in Aquarius (exact at 9:01pm EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Past memories may come flooding in around this time. Reminiscing? Forgiveness (or the need to forgive) often accompanies this transit. This can increase sensitivity, so please choose your words carefully.
The above transits are often felt collectively but you would need to know where within your chart that they would fall. As always, I am available for a professional astrological reading. I now have a variety of charts to choose from (relationship, life path, time-line, etc). I can do readings in-person or over the phone. Or if you’re not into having a reading I can just supply a chart. Please feel free to contact me for more information! Have a great week! Bye for now……
Peace & Light,
Gretchen A. Hidell, Astrologer
Intuitive Counselor, Reiki Master, Gem/Crystal Work
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner) Hypnotherapy Life Coach
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