My Schedule:
& Thursdays –
Phone/Skype. Intuitive Astrology Readings, Life Coaching, Hypnosis, &
Remote Reiki Sessions.
Tuesdays – Introductory Astrology Readings at Spirit
Dancer 125 S. Winooski Ave in Burlington, VT.
& Fridays –
Intuitive Astrology Readings, Life Coaching, Hypnosis, & Reiki Sessions at
161 North Street in Burlington, VT. I have appointments between 2-7pm, so please give me a call to
schedule. It is a two-story white house
and there is ample parking in the back.
Current Planetary Positions:
reference the Blog entry on the date the planet went into that sign for an
Sun: Gemini
Changes signs (approximately) every 2 ½ days.
Cancer 6/7-6/25
Gemini 4/3-8/7
Virgo 11/10-7/3/12
Taurus 6/4/11-6/12/12, Gemini 6/12/12-6/27/13
Libra 7/21/10-10/6/12
Aries 3/11/11-5/16/2018
Pisces 2/3/12-3/31/25
Capricorn until 1/20/24
Pisces 2/8/11-4/18/2018
Current Retrograde Planets:
reference the Blog entry on the date the planet went Retrograde for an
Retrograde in Libra 2/7/12-6/25/12
Retrograde in Gemini 5/15/12-6/27/12
Retrograde in Capricorn 4/10/12-9/18/12
Retrograde in Pisces 6/4/12-11/11/12
Coming Up: Chiron
turns Retrograde in Pisces 6/12/12-11/13/12
in mind while you read this Blog that I include the time that a transit will be
exact so that you can see when it waxes and then when it starts to wane. The effects of a transit are often felt as
long as a day or two (or even longer).
The energy is usually felt more strongly during the time leading up to
the height and then it slowly starts to dissipate after. It’s important to remember that Moon transits
tend to last a shorter period of time than planetary transits. I will no longer be including every transit
that occurs, but rather highlighting the most dominant transit (to make the
Blog a little easier to read, in response to reader feedback!).
(Sunday 6/10/12)- Today will be a mostly easy-going Astrological day. There will be four Moon
transits. This is a good time to remind you that Lunar transits are shorter in
duration than planetary transits. Overnight,
the Moon in
Pisces makes a flowing trine to Mercury in Cancer (exact at 1:11am EST). This transit will assist us to express
how we feel. It will be much easier to
speak with friends and loved ones during this time. We may have an urge to be social around this
transit and it is highly beneficial for all kinds of relationships. Then, the Moon in Pisces will form a
positive sextile with Pluto (R) Capricorn (exact at 7:34am) helping us to
connect with what is going on under the surface. If you are awake during this time it would be
beneficial for: cathartic experiences, deep conversations, and all forms of
counseling are favored during this transit.
It may be possible to have intense dreams while you are sleeping. Next, the Moon forms its monthly
conjunction with Chiron both in Pisces (exact at 9:29am EST). You may be presented with an opportunity
to heal or to be healed. Holistic and
alternative medicine is especially favored.
Serendipitous moments abound!
In the afternoon, the Moon in Pisces will square Venus (R)
in Gemini (exact at 3:16pm EST). Although
we will have a drive to be with others around this time, it would be best to
avoid heavy conversations pertaining to love.
Sometimes the object of our affections is just out of reach (or
otherwise detained) around this transit.
The is not a good time to go shopping or work on beautification because
what we think looks good now may seem like a bad idea at a later time.
(Monday 6/11/12)- Today will be very busy Astrological day!! There are a few major
astrological events that will occur on this day. Firstly, Mercury will aspect
the Uranus/Pluto square that will be taking place on June 24th, Jupiter will
move into Gemini (for one year), and Chiron will turn Retrograde (for 5 months)! On top of that, the entire day will be under
the influence of a void-of-course
Moon cycle which is not very conducive to forward movement. You can see that this is a start to several
new cycles. Whenever a new cycle starts, I often say that that is when we
usually feel it the strongest (at least until we get used to the new energy). There could be a generalized uneasiness felt
on a global level. Things are shifting and
change is in the air….
Overnight, the Moon in Pisces will form its monthly
opposition to Mars in Virgo (exact at 3:16am EST). Someone could irritate you during this
transit. It’s possible to enjoy a debate
with someone (or at worst, an argument).
As with all Mars transits, I recommend exercise or doing something
physical. Mar’s energy will want to get
out one way or another; it might as well be constructive! This energy is not very conducive to
sleeping… Next, the Sun in Gemini will form an uncomfortable
square with the Moon in Pisces (exact at 6:41am EST). We
may experience some tension between friends or loved ones. This won’t be conducive to feeling very
supported. Sometimes this transit brings
(minor) squabbles. This will
begin a very long 17+ hour void-of-course Moon cycle that will end
when the Moon transitions into powerful Aries tomorrow evening! When the Moon makes no major planetary aspects
to another planet, before it switches into the next sign, is call “void of
course”. It is best to not do anything
new during these times because it has a decreased chance of working or will
have delays.
The big event will occur when the planet Jupiter will transition into communicative Gemini for the next
year (exact at 1:22pm EST)! Jupiter (the
traditional ruler of Sagittarius) rules over luck, optimism, expansiveness,
religion (and spirituality), abundance, reversals in fortune, law, long
distance/foreign travel, higher education, books, printing, publishing,
marketing, horses, and really anything affecting the masses. Jupiter’s physical
associations are: fat, tumors, pancreas, liver, plaque, cholesterol, hips,
thighs, and insulin. Jupiter is considered to be the most beneficial planet in
an astrological chart. However, it is also associated with over-confidence,
conceit, mass epidemics, extravagance, and fanaticism. Words and phrases to describe Gemini
(Mercury) are: “I Think!”, Mutable/Air,
communication, writing, media, talking, duality (the twins), diversified
interests, “jack of all trades”, travel, shallowness, witty, quick, intellect,
multi-tasker, gossip, designer, nervousness, moodiness and chatty. The body parts it’s associated with are:
hands, arms, shoulders, nervous system and lungs. Its metal is Mercury and Stones are: Agate,
Citrine, Moonstone, Pearl, and White Sapphire.
During the
next year we will be moving away from a time of focusing on materialism and
stability (Taurus) to communication and social endeavors (Gemini). Jupiter's cycles are important and can affect
us in a variety of different ways. With Gemini's influence, we are going to be
more apt to be social during this timeframe.
Gemini is all about communication and sometimes it's hyper-communication.
Phone calls, e-mails, social media, cell phones, texting, etc. will all take
center stage and become a focal point. This
will be a very busy year and education, writing, lectures, travel,
importing/exporting, and even mail order and on-line businesses may see an increase
during this time. Certainly, this will
pick up as we approach the 2012 elections.
The only thing is, there may be a lot of chatter but make sure that
there is substance as well. Gemini tends to cover a lot of ground skimming the
surface along the way. Have you ever heard the expression “jack of all trades
master of none”? We could be bombarded with the news and various stories. Even
gossip could be at an all time high around this time. We could be in for some
interesting scandals! New in interesting
ways to experience travel could be explored and we may hear about more trouble
in the airline business. There will
certainly be an increase in social endeavors and you may receive (more than
usual) invitations for parties, networking, or events. Just remember, Jupiter acts as an amplifier
(too much of a good thing). Therefore, we could also be a little more scattered
around this time. Keep a close eye on
your calendar and be sure to record appointments and other social commitments.
Use an active worksheet of things to do and more importantly remove items that
are not top priority. I am always advising to my Gemini's during astrological
readings to pursue exercise as an outlet for all of their mental energy. Whenever
you're feeling out of your body it is
important to make that physical connection and doing so through exercise is a
very quick way to achieve this. What do I mean by out of your body? Have you
ever felt like you were walking around and your feet weren't even touching the
ground, you are little bit more clumsy than normal, your thoughts were cycling
and mind was racing, having trouble sleeping, not paying attention to what
you're doing, forgetting important things, etc.
A good way to get that mental energy to quiet is through connecting with
your physical self. We may need it over
this next year as things become a little bit busier or even hectic. Luckily
we'll have lots of friends and family around to share with! It is important to know where Jupiter/Gemini is
located in your natal chart in order to know how this will affect you on a
personal level.
In the afternoon,
Mercury will be forming a less than favorable aspect with the Uranus/Pluto
square that will be coming to a height in two weeks (6/24). With Mercury's involvement of course this is
going to be affecting communication and travel. Mercury in Cancer will form an uncomfortable
square with Uranus in Aries (exact at 1:41pm EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and
its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. These two planets are sort-of the “live
wires” of the zodiac. People with ADD,
hyper activity, anxiety, nervous conditions, etc., may have difficulty around
this time. We may get ideas or sudden
insights, but we may be too scattered to stop and think them through. There is a possibility that you may encounter
someone that serves as inspiration. Awakening. There could be sudden changes in our plans,
travel snafus, and issues surrounding just remain flexible! Next, Mercury in
Cancer will form it’s yearly opposition with intense Pluto (R) in Capricorn
(exact at 9:04pm EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and
its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Oppositions are usually stressful. People may be grumpy! It is possible that you could encounter a
sneaky, secretive person around this time.
You don’t appreciate it and you will probably tell them too! Watch what you say; there is definitely power
associated with words right now! This
can bring up jealousies, paranoia, hidden fears, etc. Definitely use caution with business dealings
around this time. This would not be a
good time for the US to set nuclear policies (Pluto rules over nuclear,
terrorism, and fanaticism)….Um can someone send this to the White House? (LOL)
OK, on the upside it would be a good time to whisper sweet-nothings into
your partner’s ear. Use words to arouse
passion (the good kind!).
Then, Chiron (“The Wounded
healer”) will turn Retrograde in the sign of Pisces (exact at 11:11pm
EST). (Retrograde meaning: As all planets
orbit around one another, they do so at different rates. Long ago
Astronomers/Astrologers believed that the planets seemed to slow down and
eventually reverse their orbit. This in fact, is an optical illusion
caused by different orbit speeds, when viewed from Earth. This
process is called a Retrograde in Astrology. In interpretation it means
that the planet is somewhat weakened and the energies are harder to access). Chiron turns Retrograde today and it will remain Retrograde for the next five
months. In astrology,
Chiron is associated with healing, medicine, the mind/body/spirit connection,
teaching, reoccurring problems in our life, and music. This will be a time to review those
matters. You would need to know where
Chiron/Pisces falls within your chart in order to know how this will affect you
on a personal level.
(Tuesday 6/12/12)- I will be doing Astrological
Readings at Spirit Dancer today between 3-6pm (I take my last reading at
5:30pm). This is a great opportunity to
get an introductory reading from me at a discount-$30 ½ hr. They are located at 125 S. Winooski Ave in
Burlington, VT (across from the fire station).
Walk-ins are welcome or you can call me for a time. The store’s number is 802-660-8060.
Just after
midnight, the Moon
transitions into pioneering Aries (exact at 12:21am EST). Aries Moons are similar to New
Moons. It is considered to be a
favorable time to start new projects, physical activities (like sports or
working out), dynamism, leadership, competition, and action. Things to avoid are being too bossy,
arrogant, and insensitive during the next 2 1/2 days. Aries rules the head, so pay attention to
stress; especially of you are prone to tension headaches. Just after, the Moon in Aries makes
a positive sextile with Jupiter in Gemini (exact at 12:34am EST) helping us
to feel optimistic and/or lucky. This is
an ideal time to be with friends or to work with a group of people. It is also beneficial for
spirituality/religion, higher or continuing education, horses, law/legal
matters, advertising, sales, and publishing.
Then, Mercury in Cancer will form a flowing trine
with (the “Wounded Healer) Chiron (R) in Pisces (exact at 11:08am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its
effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. This
is an indication that talking/communication could heal old wounds. Are you wearing your heart on your
sleeve? This is a beneficial transit if
you need to give a speech or to teach something. It will be easier to convey your thoughts
& ideas around this time (especially if you speak from the heart).
In the afternoon, the Moon
in Aries will highlight the Mercury/Uranus/Pluto transit that took place
yesterday. This will just reinforce
those energies. Please feel free to read
that Blog entry for more details. Lastly,
we end the day on a high note when, the Moon in Aries will form a positive
sextile with Venus (R) in Gemini (exact at 7:37pm EST). It is likely that we could receive
compliments on how we look or dress. It
will be easy to interact with others.
This transit is positive for both relationships/love and finances.
6/13/12)- If you have been reading my Blog entries during the last few days there
has been somewhat of a scattered feeling of the planetary energies. Today
however, will have a much more stabilizing effect. It starts when the Sun in Gemini will form a flowing trine with
Saturn (R) in Libra (exact at 8:12am EST). Remember,
this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a
Moon transit. This transit gives us
discipline and helps us to tackle projects.
If there has been something that you have been avoiding, like an
organizational project, now is the time!
There is a reason that Saturn’s nickname is the “task master”. This would also be an excellent day to start
a diet or other health regime. It will
help us to get along better with father figures or male authority figures too.
In the afternoon, the Moon in Aries makes
an annoying quincunx to Mars in Virgo (exact at 4:43pm EST). Did you ever meet someone that says
something that is completely different than how they actually act? For instance: you went out on a date, the
person says that they had a fantastic time, and then they never called
you? This type of disconnect (coming
from yourself or coming from others) may be more pronounced around this time. Then, the Moon
in Aries will have its monthly opposition with Saturn (R) in Libra (exact at 9:55pm
EST). Luckily the duration of this
event is short and the height may occur while we are sleeping. Sometimes this can give us a feeling of
loneliness or isolation. We may feel
passed over or possibly not getting the recognition that we deserve. It’s possible that our feelings may get in
the way of responsibility. Lastly, the Moon in Aries will
positively sextile the Sun in Gemini (exact at 11:09pm EST). This is an ideal time to be with friends
& loved ones. This transit is
conducive for feeling supported. Maybe
it’s time to do something nice for your sweetheart? This will be
the beginning of a long 12+ hour void-of-course Moon cycle that will end
in the tomorrow afternoon when the Moon transitions into practical Taurus….
(Thursday 6/14/12)- Today will be a very "light"
astrological day. There will be only one lunar transit after the Moon
transitions into Taurus!
In the
afternoon, the Moon transitions into
Taurus (exact at 12:22pm EST).
Positive Taurus Moon activities are: focusing on organizing your
finances, clipping coupons, decorating, designing, sensuality, cooking &
eating luscious foods, organizing your home, massage, singing, and
comfort. Try to avoid: laziness,
relaxing too much, stubbornness, obstinacy and being too stuck in your
ways. These will be the lunar themes
over the next 2 days. Later, the Moon in Taurus forming a positive
sextile to Neptune (R) in Pisces (exact at 6:42pm EST) causing our
imagination/creativity to soar. This
transit is also beneficial for daydreaming, idealism, intuition, romance,
music, poetry, abstract ideas, mysticism, etc.
It is possible to be more charming around this transit. Anyone have rose-colored glasses? The remainder of the day will be under the
influence of the Taurus Moon…..
(Friday 6/15/12)- Today there will be a few, pleasant Moon
transits. Keep in mind that Lunar
transits are shorter in duration than planetary transits. We could use an astrological break so to
speak, from the planetary onslaughts that occurred earlier in the week. With the Moon in Taurus, this will be an
ideal weekend to garden and be outdoors in nature!
Overnight, the
Moon in Taurus will form a flowing trine to
Pluto (R) in Capricorn (exact at 5:53am EST). This will greatly assist us in processing our
emotions and is beneficial for all types of counseling & cathartic
experiences. It will be hard to be
superficial around this time. Both
Taurus & Capricorn are earth signs, so this is a good time for gardening or
connecting with nature. Next, the Moon in Taurus
forms a positive sextile with (the “Wounded Healer”) Chiron (R) in Pisces (exact
at 8:12am EST). You may be presented with an opportunity to
heal or to be healed. Holistic and
alternative medicine is especially favored.
Serendipitous moments abound!
In the
evening, the Moon in Libra
will form a positive sextile to Mercury in Leo (exact at 8:00pm EST).
This will make us want to reach out to friends and family to
chat. This transit helps with the flow
of communication. It will be easier to
express how we feel around this transit.
(Saturday 6/16/12)- Overnight, Mercury in Cancer forms a
slightly uncomfortable semisquare with Jupiter in Gemini (exact at 3:13am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and
its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Too much information (TMI)! This is a time where we could find others (or
even ourselves) saying too much. If you
ever had interests in other cultures, religions, law, marketing, publishing,
and/or travel; it would be a great time to explore these subjects. Use caution with overconfidence and avoid
embellishment of the facts. The upside
is that we could be feeling fairly optimistic and will have a bright mental
outlook. Then, the Moon in Taurus forms a flowing trine with Mars in Virgo (exact at
8:09am EST). Our actions will be in
harmony with how we feel. We may crave
action around this time or have more energy.
People will be inclined to fight for what they believe is right. This will be the start of a long void-of-course Moon cycle that will last
until early tomorrow morning that will and when the Moon transitions into
lively Gemini….
the early evening, Venus (R) in Gemini will form an uncomfortable square
with Chiron (R) in Pisces (exact at 5:26pm EST). Remember, all of these are planetary transits and their effects will be
felt much longer than a Moon transit. This could bring up past pains
& past loves. Use this time to heal
old wounds. I recently fall this saying
and thought it was fitting “Remember, an EX is an EX for a reason…. To serve as
an EX-ample of what you don't want”!
Mark your calendars! Next week: Tuesday
the New Moon in Gemini (6/19), and Wednesday the Sun moves into the sign of
Cancer marking Summer Solstice (6/20)!!
The above
transits are often felt collectively but you would need to know where within
your chart that they would fall. As
always, I am available for a professional intuitive astrological reading.
I have a variety of charts to choose from (relationship, life path, time-line,
etc). I can do readings in-person, over the phone, or via Skype. Or if you’re not into having a reading, I can
just supply a chart. Please feel free to
contact me for more information! Have a great week! Bye for now……
Peace & Light,
Gretchen A. Hidell, Astrologer
Intuitive Counselor, Reiki Master, Gem/Crystal Work
Master NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner) Hypnotherapy Life
Ordained Minister & Certified Spiritual Healer (Inter-Faith)
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