I hope this week’s blog entry finds you well! On Sunday there will be two stressful transits (best to keep a low profile if possible). On Monday the New Moon will take place in passionate Scorpio. On Sunday Mercury will transition into adventurous Sagittarius and the Sun will join that sign on Saturday. Tuesday will be a good day for work and details. While Thursday there may be some strain with relationships. Friday will be the most astrologically quiet day. Enjoy your week!
I wanted to add a footnote to my entries. I include the time that a transit will be exact so that you can see when it waxes and then when it starts to wane. However, the effects are often felt sometimes even as long as a day or two. The energy is usually felt more strongly during the time leading up to the height and then it slowly starts to dissipate after. Keep in mind that Moon transits tend to last a shorter period of time than planetary transits.
(Sunday 11/15/09)- We start the day with a difficult and life altering transit. This one has been going on for a while and will continue until 12/2010. These are very slow-moving, outer planets. It will be at exactitude today, 1/31/10, and 8/12/10 (mark your calendars). Today it will be at its height when Saturn in Libra will form a tense square with Pluto in Capricorn (exact at 10:20am EST). Some people will hardly feel this and others will experience it strongly. It may just cause a general feeling of being blocked or uneasiness (this would be because you are picking up on the general current of energy it is creating). It is most likely to be felt on a collective level. A great key phrase to describe this transit would be Replacing Antiquated Structures. Certainly, this has been a time of great change for many. I feel that the tarot card association would be The Tower. Sometimes we build walls around us in a desperate attempt to keep ourselves protected. This can be an illusion..and worse yet, a prison. Tear down and rebuild. If this process is initiated by outside forces, then obviously it could be painful. If something is just not working in your life, this is a good reminder to take matters in your own hands and not to wait until it is out of your control. This may be a time when we hear of changes or restructurings in governmental policies, banking, nuclear policies, judicial systems, and unions. These changes may have us feeling a bit out of power and in fact, may have trouble making great headway. You see, Pluto is associated with powerful transformations, and Saturn puts on the brakes. It’s kind of like trying to put a cap on a bottle of soda after it’s been shaken. Patience is key here…the process of change has started (even if you are feeling blocked).
Just after, the Moon will conjunct Venus both in Scorpio (exact at 10:41am EST). We will want to experience love on a visceral level. This is a great time to: pamper ourselves, decorate, shop (because we will have an “eye” for things that look good), artistic endeavors, creativity, and be in the company of loved ones. Sometimes this transit can have us feeling a little indolent. It is actually a favored time for finances. In the afternoon, the Moon in Scorpio will form an uncomfortable square with Mars in Leo (exact at 5:03pm). As with all Mars transits, I recommend doing something physical or exercising around this time (gardening, housework, working on the car, etc. all count!). Sexuality can be enhanced around this transit. Did you ever have a moment where circumstances seem like they are conspiring against you? Often, this transit results in a culmination of things that can be annoying. Sometimes small irritations or quarrels can result. Then, the Sun in Scorpio will form an uncomfortable square with nebulous Neptune in Aquarius (exact at 6:11pm EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Dreaming and daydreaming of the good old days? This one could zap some of our energy. We could feel fuzzy and have trouble focusing. Best to relax tonight and enjoy a good movie! Lastly, the planet Mercury (ruler of communication & travel) will transition into adventurous Sagittarius (exact at 7:28pm EST). Words and phrases to describe Sagittarius are: “I See!”, Mutable/Fire, traveler, wanderer, freedom, honest, expansive, argumentative, horses, law, philosopher, and generally easy-going. Jupiter is the ruling planet & it’s associated with the hips, thigh, muscles, and sciatic nerve. Its metal is tin. Stones: Topaz, Amethyst, Ruby, Sapphire, and Turquoise. I personally think the Mercury (the planet of communication, travel, & metal processes) is quite comfortable in the sign of Sagittarius. Over the next month, we will want to expand our intellect. Sagittarius’ are known for constantly wanting to learn new things. Travel will be on our minds and this would be a good time to plan for a trip. Keep in mind that Mercury will be going Retrograde again for the 4th and final time this year on 12/26/09. If you are planning a trip, it would be best to wrap up all of those details before the Retrograde period begins. People may want to argue their beliefs and may be firm in their positions around this time. Although Sagittarius’ are known for their honesty….people may be a little too blunt (so if you don’t want to know, then don’t ask!). International affairs may take on greater importance right now. This is an excellent time to work on publishing, advertising, marketing, and sales endeavors. Mercury will move into business-minded Capricorn on 12/5/09.
(Monday 11/16/09)- Early in the day, the Moon in Scorpio will form an uncomfortable square with Jupiter in Aquarius (exact at 4:02am EST). Someone could challenge your beliefs at this time. It’s possible that you could find out someone within your group has been acting behind your back or is at odds with the greater good. Dealings with groups of people or legal matters are unfavorable around this time. Next, the Moon in Scorpio forms an uncomfortable square with Chiron in Aquarius (exact at 8:16am EST). Past issues may resurface at this time. If you are sleeping while this occurs, you may dream about the past. It may be possible to run into someone that will tell you how to do something (even if they have never done it themselves….annoying! Then, the Moon in Scorpio will form a flowing trine with Uranus in Pisces (exact at 10:57am EST) helping us to step up to the plate and do the right thing, even though it may be somewhat unconventional. We could get a sudden revelation in our dream state tonight, so write them down! Technology (like computers), inventing, New Aged ideologies, and friendships are favored around this transit.
In the afternoon, the Moon in Scorpio forms an uncomfortable square with Neptune in Aquarius (exact at 12:40pm) telling us to not believe everything we are told. Illusion, escapism and deception will be prevalent. On the positive side, creativity will be high around this transit. The New Moon will be at its height in the sign of Scorpio (exact at 2:14pm EST). All of the Scorpio Moon themes will be highlighted/amplified. The New Moon is considered to be beneficial for new ideas, new projects, and manifesting. I personally like to do space clearing and meditating during this time. It depends on where the Moon/Scorpio is located in your chart in order to know how it will affect you on a personal level. This will also start a 10+ hour void-of-course Moon cycle that will last until tomorrow when the Moon transitions into adventurous Sagittarius. When the Moon makes no major planetary aspects to another planet, before it switches into the next sign, is call “void of course”. It is best to not do anything new during these times because it has a decreased chance of working or will have delays.
(Tuesday 11/17/09)- I will be doing Astrological Readings at Spirit Dancer today between 2-5pm. This is a great opportunity to get an introductory reading from me at a discount. They are located at 125 S. Winooski Ave in Burlington VT (across from the fire station). Walk-ins are welcome or you can call me for a time.
Right at midnight, Mercury in Sagittarius will form a positive sextile with Saturn in Libra (exact at 12:00am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Sextiles usually present opportunity, but will take some work on your part to have it come to fruition. A slow and steady approach is called for. Focus on one thing at a time, otherwise there is a good chance mistakes will be made or it will need to be done over anyway. In fact, this is a good time for mental discipline. It may be possible that we are slower than normal in learning something (people with learning disabilities may have trouble around this time). Stick with the facts if you need to communicate. A great time for building foundations, goal setting, and long-term planning!! The Moon transitions into the sign of adventurous Sagittarius (exact at 12:22am EST), helping to lighten things up! It is said in Astrology that the Lunar transition between Scorpio and Sagittarius is the most stressful of all the Moon transitions. So use caution around this time and allow for (minor) setbacks. Activities that are favored during Moon in Sagittarius are: sports, horseback riding, outdoors/nature, spiritual aspirations, higher consciousness, honesty/bluntness, law/legal, higher learning, education, travel (especially international), and getting out to meet people. It is best to avoid taking too strong of a stance and not being open to others opinions, as people will usually defend their beliefs rigorously at this time. These themes will be prevalent for the next 2 ½ days. Then, the Moon in Sagittarius will form a positive sextile to Saturn in Libra (exact at 3:52am EST). Time to tap into our inner discipline, organization and attention to details. This would also be a beneficial time to garden and connect with the earth. The Moon will conjunct Mercury both in Sagittarius (exact at 4:22am EST) assisting with communication, short distance travel and feeling supported by others.
The remainder of the day will be astrologically quiet. Obviously this is a lot of planetary energy overnight. Those who are sensitive may have trouble sleeping around this time.
(Wednesday 11/18/09)- Overnight, the Moon in Sagittarius forms a flowing trine with Mars in Leo (exact at 2:40am EST). This one gives us energy and may feel uncomfortable while we are sleeping. Our actions will be in harmony with how we feel. We may crave action around this time. People will be inclined to fight for what they believe is right.
In the afternoon, the Moon in Sagittarius makes a positive sextile with Jupiter in Aquarius (exact at 1:10pm EST) helping us to feel optimistic and/or lucky. This is an ideal time to be with friends or to work with a group of people. It is also beneficial for spirituality/religion, higher or continuing education, horses, law/legal matters, advertising, sales, and publishing. Then, the Moon in Sagittarius forms a positive sextile with (the “Wounded Healer”) Chiron in Aquarius (exact at 5:11pm EST). You may be presented with an opportunity to heal or to be healed. Holistic and alternative medicine is especially favored. Serendipitous moments abound! Lastly, the Moon in Sagittarius uncomfortably squares Uranus in Pisces (exact at 7:52pm EST). This is a time where someone around you may challenge tradition. You may also want to buck the system. An expected event or surprise could catch you off-guard. It is possible to experience issues with technology or mechanical issues. This will start a 13+ hour long void-of-course Moon cycle that will last until tomorrow when the Moon changes into traditional Capricorn. Use this time to finish old projects.
(Thursday 11/19/09)- I am excited to announce that I will be doing Astrology Readings at Candles & Creations twice monthly! I will be there today between 3:15pm-6:15pm (I will take my last reading at 6:15pm). This is a great opportunity to get an introductory reading from me at a discount. They are located at 150 Dorset St, Suite 301 South Burlington, VT (in the Blue Mall across from the University Mall). Walk-ins are welcome or you can call #802-660-8021 to ensure a time. Check out their link: http://www.candlesandcreations.net
Then, between 7-9pm, they will be hosting their monthly Sixth Sensory World Meeting. These meetings are based on the teachings of Sonia Choquette.
Overnight, Venus in Scorpio will form an uncomfortable square with Mars in Leo (exact at 3:22am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. This transit may bring some tension (especially with love, family, & finances). However, we may have a drive to be social around this time. We will want to act on our feelings. Just make sure you look before you leap. I always advise doing some sort of physical activity whenever Mars is involved because Mars’ energy will want to get out one way or another. This is also a good time to look within and find your “hearts desire” whether that be a person, vocation, hobby, or otherwise. Sometimes this will bring up sexual tension. Hmmmmm?!? Then the Moon changes into business-oriented Capricorn (exact at 10:00am EST). Capricorn Lunar themes that will be prevalent over the next 2 ½ days are: business endeavors, work, goal setting, drive, public ambition, and tradition. Try to avoid: workaholic tendencies, coldness, and using people for personal gain.
The Moon will highlight the Pluto/Saturn square that occurred on Sunday. The Moon will be making its monthly conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn (exact at 1:37pm EST) adding emotional intensity to the mix. This may help with insights pertaining to business and financial endeavors. Helping us to “pick up” on the undercurrent of a situation. This is also beneficial for therapy, cathartic experiences, passion, and ferreting out secrets. Lastly, the Moon will form an uncomfortable square with Saturn in Libra (exact at 2:07pm EST). Luckily the duration of this event is short. Sometimes this can give us a feeling of loneliness or isolation. We may feel passed over or possibly not getting the recognition that we deserve. It is better to work on organization around this time.
(Friday 11/20/09)- This will be the most astrologically quiet day of the week. The Moon will highlight the Venus/Mars square that occurred yesterday. In the afternoon, the Moon Capricorn makes an annoying quincunx to Mars in Leo (exact at 3:12pm EST). Did you ever meet someone that says something that is completely different than how they actually act? For instance: you went out on a date, the person says that they had a fantastic time, and then they never called you? This type of disconnect (coming from yourself or coming from others) may be more pronounced around this time. The Moon will form a positive sextile with Venus in Scorpio (exact at 6:21pm EST). It is likely that we could receive compliments on how we look or dress. It will be easy to interact with others. This transit is positive for both relationships/love and finances.
(Saturday 11/21/09)- In the morning, Venus in Scorpio will form a slightly uncomfortable semisquare with powerful Pluto in Capricorn (exact at 6:36am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. This one could bring love/passion up close and personal. It could take the form of sexual tension, teasing in the form of flirtation (remember those school days?), jealousy (an unhealthy form of passion), etc. Pluto brings intensity and there is a possibly of obsessing (or being too intense) about love/finances. Try not to engage in power struggles with our loved one or indulge in ultimatums (it would most likely blow up in our faces). We may be able to look below the surface and discover things about ourselves, others, or even our finances that we may have over-looked or not noticed previously. If the energies are harnessed properly, there could be true transformation in these areas. Then, the Moon in Capricorn will form a positive sextile with Uranus (R) in Pisces (exact at 7:28am EST) helping us to break out of our rut and even do something that may be somewhat unconventional. Technology (like computers), inventing, New Aged ideologies, and friendships are favored around this transit. This could cause disturbed dreams and/or sleep (possibly inspirational or vivid dreams).
In the afternoon, Venus in Scorpio will make an uncomfortable semisquare with Saturn in Libra (exact at 1:34pm EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Attaining long-term goals, finances, and relationships may feel strained around this time. Definitely not a time to rush into things without tending to all the fine details. We may feel shy or hindered in expressing love or with our romantic feelings. Another possibility is that we may want to put our relationships into a category, but remember that emotions don’t always need to make sense! Later in the evening, the Moon in Capricorn will make a positive sextile to the Sun in Scorpio (exact at 10:04pm EST). This is an ideal time to be with friends & loved ones. This transit is conducive for feeling supported. Maybe it’s time to do something nice for your sweetheart or loved ones? This will start a very short void-of-course Moon cycle that will last until the Moon transitions into Aquarius (exact at 10:11pm EST). Activities that are favored during Moon in Aquarius are: social endeavors, friendship, technology, humanitarian efforts, politics, inventing, and New Age ideologies. Things to avoid: are getting too caught up in the greater good and masses that you forget the individual & their feelings, and being overly fixed in your own unique way of doing things that you can’t consider someone else’s good ideas.
Happy Birthday Sagittarius!! Lastly, the Sun will transition into the adventurous sign of Sagittarius (exact at 11:22pm EST). Words and phrases to describe Sagittarius are: “I See!”, Mutable/Fire, traveler, wanderer, freedom, honest, expansive, argumentative, horses, law, philosopher, and generally easy-going. Jupiter is the ruling planet & it’s associated with the hips, thigh muscles, fat, insulin, and sciatic nerve. Its metal is tin. Stones: Topaz, Amethyst, Ruby, Sapphire, and Turquoise. The Sun will now join the planet of Mercury in this outgoing sign (see the Sundays Blog entry for that description). We are starting to move away from the intense sign of Scorpio (although Venus still remains in that sign). Scorpio is also a “fixed” sign, while Sagittarius is “mutable”…more go-with-the flow. Just in time for the holiday season; we are moving into a more upbeat & optimistic time period! Opulence and abundance will take center-stage. Use caution around this time because we are prone to over-spend and over-indulge (especially with fatty or sweet foods). Anything that is a little over the top goes right now. This is a good time for athletics and being outdoors. Some famous Sagittarians are: Tina Turner, Christina Aguilera, Tyra Banks, Ludwig van Beethoven, Harry Chapin, Dick Clark, Emily Dickinson, Woody Allen, Samuel Jackson, Walt Disney, Kirk Douglas, Brendan Frasier, John F. Kennedy JR, Ed Harris, Bruce Lee, Sinead O'Connor, Ozzy Osbourne, Bette Midler, Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, Patty Duke, Jimi Hendrix, Steven Spielberg, Ben Stiller, Marisa Tomei, Mark Twain, Joe DiMaggio, Ray Romano, and Anna Nicole Smith. The Sun will transition into the traditional sign of Capricorn on Dec 21st!
The above transits are often felt collectively but you would need to know where within your chart that they would fall. As always, I am available for a professional astrological reading. I now have a variety of charts to choose from (relationship, life path, time-line, etc). I can do readings in-person or over the phone. Or if you’re not into having a reading, I can just supply a chart. Please feel free to contact me for more information! Have a great week! Bye for now……
Peace & Light,
Gretchen A. Hidell, Astrologer
Intuitive Counselor/Gem/Crystal Work
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