Current Retrograde Planets:
Please reference the Blog entry on the date the planet went Retrograde for an explanation.
Mars in Leo 12/20/09-3/10/10
Saturn in Libra 1/13/10-5/30/10
I wanted to add a footnote to my entries. I include the time that a transit will be exact so that you can see when it waxes and then when it starts to wane. However, the effects are often felt sometimes even as long as a day or two. The energy is usually felt more strongly during the time leading up to the height and then it slowly starts to dissipate after. Keep in mind that Moon transits tend to last a shorter period of time than planetary transits.
(Sunday 1/17/10)- In the afternoon, the Moon forms its monthly conjunction with Chiron both in Aquarius (exact at 1:24pm EST). You may be presented with an opportunity to heal or to be healed. Holistic and alternative medicine is especially favored. Serendipitous moments abound! Then, the Moon makes its monthly conjunction with Neptune both in Aquarius (exact at 3:22pm EST) causing our imagination/creativity to soar. This transit is also beneficial for daydreaming, idealism, intuition, romance, music, poetry, abstract ideas, mysticism, etc. It is possible to be more charming (or to meet charming people) around this transit. Because idealism & escapism can be enhanced with this transit, I wouldn’t make a big decisions or sign contracts around this time. This will start a 10 hour void-of-course Moon cycle that will last until the Moon will transitions into intuitive Pisces tomorrow. When the Moon makes no major planetary aspects to another planet, before it switches into the next sign, is call “void of course”. It is best to not do anything new during these times because it has a decreased chance of working or will have delays.
The big event will occur when the planet Jupiter will transition into the mystical sign of Pisces after being in Aquarius for a year (exact at 9:10pm EST)! Jupiter (the traditional ruler of Sagittarius) rules over luck, optimism, expansiveness, religion (and spirituality), abundance, reversals in fortune, law, long distance/foreign travel, higher education, books, printing, publishing, marketing, horses, and really anything affecting the masses. Jupiter’s physical associations are: fat, tumors, pancreas, liver, plaque, cholesterol, hips, thighs, and insulin. Jupiter is considered to be the most beneficial planet in an astrological chart. However, it is also associated with over-confidence, conceit, mass epidemics, extravagance, and fanaticism. Words and phrases to describe Pisces are: “I Believe!”, dreamy, idealistic, caring, sympathetic, creative, artistic, tender, sensitive, drifter, psychic, impressionable, escapism, and charitable. Neptune is the ruling planet and it’s associated with feet, veins, fluids, lymphatic system, & glands. Stones: Jade, Coral, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Rock Crystal, and Sapphire. During the next 6 months we will be moving away from a time of focusing on the masses (Aquarius) and instead will be focusing on what is good for the individual (Pisces). Much like the Butterfly Effect, one small act of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s life. It can positively affect their family, then eventually the community….but it starts with the individual. (Taken from Wikipedia: “The butterfly effect is a metaphor that encapsulates the concept of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory; namely that small differences in the initial condition of a dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system.”) Charitable contributions will be in style (either time or funds). If you are starting a business during this time, your business may help a lot of people but it may end up being more charity-based (possibly without a lot of profit). This may also be a time of optimism, but to use caution with idealism. It is possible that things may be a little convoluted and we may not have all the facts. Things will be especially good for you if you are an artist, musician, poet, photographer or film maker, creative writer, mystic, philosopher, theologian, counselor, or if you work with abstract theories. Anything that takes imagination and creativity will excel. I have to say that Jupiter in Pisces may not be the most ambitious of combinations. The possibility of being in our own heads daydreaming and sort of floundering around is certainly there. Folks with drug or alcohol problems may have increased issues around this time. Since Jupiter does inherently affect the masses; I will say that there may be increased news about water/water conservation/pollution affecting oceans (etc), oil, spiritual awareness, organized religion, martyrdom, peace rallies, and diseases that are hard to diagnose. Jupiter will be in this watery sign until June 6th when it transitions into lively Aries. Because it will go Retrograde, it will go back into Pisces again on Sept 9th.
(Monday 1/18/10)- Martin Luther King Day Observed Overnight, the Moon transitions into dreamy Pisces (exact at 1:17am EST). Activities that are favored during Moon in Pisces: creativity, intuition, spiritual aspirations, higher consciousness, connection with feelings, counseling, music, art, photography, nature and especially being near water, and charitable work. Things to avoid are: getting so caught up in others feeling that you put your aside, excessive escapism, and acting like a martyr. These are all themes that will last the next 2 ½ days. Just after, the Moon will form its monthly conjunction with Jupiter both in Pisces (exact at 1:22am EST) assisting us in feeling optimistic and upbeat. This is an ideal time to work with groups of people. It also highlights/benefits: travel (especially long distance), other cultures, higher education, law, publishing, advertising, sales, horses, and spirituality. Later in the morning, the Moon will form a positive sextile with Pluto Capricorn (exact at 9:15am) helping us to connect with what is going on under the surface. If you were awake during this time it would be beneficial for: cathartic experiences, deep conversations, and all forms of counseling are favored during this transit. It may be possible to have intense dreams while you are sleeping.
It is that time again! Lovely Venus will transit into the sign of Aquarius (exact at 9:35am EST). Words and phrases to describe Aquarius are: “I Know!”, Fixed/Air, independent, unique, eccentric, inventive, futuristic, friendship, aloof, cold, political, and humanitarian. Its physical association is the ankles, shins & circulatory conditions. Its metal is Uranium. Stones: Amethyst, Garnet, Moss Agate, and Opal. When it comes to love and finances, we are moving away from a time of formality (Capricorn) and into a time of uniqueness and originality (Aquarius). This will be doubled, because tomorrow the sun also moves into Aquarius. If you are single, over the next month you may find yourself attracted to someone that is a little outside of the box. Aquarius is often associated with friendship, so this may be a time where we find ourselves attracted to friends (friends could become lovers). Friendships in general will take on more importance. Social consciousness and raising money for charities will become more of a focus as well. If you are in a relationship, this is the time to remember that all great relationships begin with the foundation of friendship. Sometimes we treat strangers nicer than we treat the people that we live with! Time to work on that! We may be drawn to new or unusual art, music, and creative expression. We may be inclined to blend styles (like modern with antiques). Venus will be in this sign until 2/11 when it transitions into romantic Pisces!
Next, the Moon in Pisces will form an annoying quincunx with Saturn (R) in Libra (exact at 10:41am EST). It may be hard to complete everything on our “list” or to get organized. It’s also possible that our emotions could make it hard to work around this time. Luckily, this influence will be short…
Lastly, the Moon in Pisces will form a positive sextile to Mercury in Capricorn (exact at 1:48pm EST). This will make us want to reach out to friends and family to chat. This transit helps with the flow of communication. It will be easier to express how we feel around this transit.
(Tuesday 1/19/10)- I will be doing Astrological Readings at Spirit Dancer today between 2-5pm(I take my last reading at 5pm). This is a great opportunity to get an introductory reading from me at a discount. They are located at 125 S. Winooski Ave in Burlington, VT (across from the fire station). Walk-ins are welcome or you can call me for a time. The store’s number is 802-660-8060.
We have a little bit of a rough start in the morning when the Moon in Pisces makes an annoying quincunx to Mars (R) in Leo (exact at 5:18am EST). Did you ever meet someone that says something that is completely different than how they actually act? For instance: you went out on a date, the person says that they had a fantastic time, and then they never called you? This type of disconnect (coming from yourself or coming from others) may be more pronounced around this time.
Happy Birthday Aquarius! The Sun transitions into the unique sign of Aquarius (exact at 11:28pm EST). As with the planet of Venus shifting into this sign yesterday; the Sun will have us concentrating on humanity and humanitarian efforts over the next ahead. We will be moving away of austerity and formality (Capricorn) and into a time of invention, eccentricity, and uniqueness (Aquarius). Aquarians are often associated with being (at least to some degree) advanced thinkers, inventors, and often have cutting edge ideas. I often site one famous Aquarian that seems to almost perfectly fit the archetype…and that is Oprah Winfrey. You see, they are often into helping the masses and coming up with new ideas on how to help others (like with her famous “Ah Ha!” moments). But there is a small glitch…they tend to be sometimes cool and aloof on a personal level. They are usually a very loyal friend, but getting one on one time may be tough. Their romantic partners often say that they hear of all the great things that they do for other people, but sometimes they feel neglected by the “Water-Bearer” because they are out trying to save the world. Like Oprah’s “Favorite Things”, over the next month we may be more drawn to technology, gadgets, or simply finding new ways to (for instance) to run a business. The Moon sign of America (using 7/4/1776 at 5:10pm), and Barack Obama’s Rising sign are both in the sign of Aquarius. Emotions of Americans over the next month may come into play, and we will be more focused on humanitarian efforts (maybe with outreach to the people of Haiti?). Some famous Aquarians are: Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Thomas Edison, Sarah McLachlan, Jane Fonda, John Belushy, Garth Brooks, Matt Dillion, Heather Graham, Bob Marley, Natalie Cole, Mia Farrow, Lisa Marie Presley, Peter Gabriel, Gregory Hines, Charles M. Schwab, Chris Farley, Christie Brinkley, Fredrico Fellini, Christian Dior, Lord Byron, Edouard Manet, Tom Selleck, Alice Cooper, Virginia Woolf, Wolfgang Mozart, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Chris Rock, Jennifer Aniston, Rene Russo, Charles Lindbergh, Farrah Fawcett, Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth, Charles Dickens, and John Travolta. The Sun will be under the influence of this interesting sign until it transitions into intuitive Pisces on February 18th.
(Wednesday 1/20/10)- This is day will mainly consist of Moon transits. Keep in mind that Lunar transits are shorter in duration than planetary transits. Things will simply sizzle when the Moon forms its monthly conjunction with Uranus both in Pisces (exact at 1:06am EST). The Uranus connection can bring us unexpected inspiration/ideas & can enhance clairvoyance & channeling. This can highlight technology, electricity, inventing, and unexpected events. Due to Pisces’ influence it can also assist healing and healing arts. This will start a 12 hour void-of-course Moon cycle that will last until the Moon transitions into pioneering Aries.
In the afternoon, the Moon will shift into Aries (exact at 1:36pm EST). Aries Moons are similar to New Moons. It is considered to be a favorable time to start new projects, physical activities (like sports or working out), dynamism, leadership, competition, and action. Things to avoid are being too bossy, arrogant, and insensitive during the next 2 1/2 days. Aries rules the head, so pay attention to stress; especially of you are prone to tension headaches. Then, the Moon in Aries will positively sextile the Sun in Aquarius (exact at 2:54pm EST). This is an ideal time to be with friends & loved ones. This transit is conducive for feeling supported. Maybe it’s time to do something nice for your sweetheart? The Moon in Aries will form a positive sextile with Venus in Aquarius (exact at 7:37pm EST). It is likely that we could receive compliments on how we look or dress. It will be easy to interact with others. This transit is positive for both relationships/love and finances. The Moon will highlight the Saturn/Pluto square (see Blog entry from 11/15/029). Next the Moon in Aries will square intense Pluto in Capricorn (exact at 9:32pm EST) possibly throwing a speed bump in our path. Someone could know how to push our buttons and really get under our skin. It is important to have good boundaries with others and remember not to overstep yours. Lastly, the Moon in Aries will have its monthly opposition with Saturn (R) in Libra (exact at 10:42pm EST). Luckily the duration of this event is short and the height may occur while we are sleeping. Sometimes this can give us a feeling of loneliness or isolation. We may feel passed over or possibly not getting the recognition that we deserve. It’s possible that our feelings may get in the way of responsibility.
(Thursday 1/21/10)- The majority of this day will consist of Lunar transits. Keep in mind that Lunar transits are shorter in duration than planetary transits. The day will be under the influence of the Aries Moon. The Moon in Aries forms an uncomfortable square with Mercury in Capricorn (exact at 4:26am EST) possibly causing miscommunications. You may find that you are not able to express yourself as easily or someone may cut you off from saying something.
In the afternoon, the Moon in Aries forms a flowing trine with Mars (R) in Leo (exact at 3:02pm EST). Our actions will be in harmony with how we feel. We may crave action around this time or have more energy. People will be inclined to fight for what they believe is right.
(Friday 1/22/10)- Overnight, Venus in Aquarius will form a flowing trine with Saturn (R) in Libra (exact at 1:07am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Discipline and organization are required. This transit will be permeated by seriousness. This probably won’t be a time of busy social activities. But the invites that you do get, will most likely be from your oldest and dearest friends. If you are willing to put in the hard work around this time, you have the will to accomplish a lot! Any delays that are experienced will be for the better (but you might not feel that way at the time). This is an auspicious time for finances, business endeavors, strategizing, etc. This may be a good time to sit down with the boss (or with someone with authority over you) to hammer out long-term goals. They will appreciate your proactive attitude, which may benefit you financially. It is best to acquiesce since folks are prone to digging in their heels. This is a beneficial time to make a deeper commitment in a relationship (love or business relationship). Work on building foundations!
In the afternoon, the Moon in Aries forms a positive sextile with (the “Wounded Healer”) Chiron in Aquarius (exact at 1:13pm EST). You may be presented with an opportunity to heal or to be healed. Holistic and alternative medicine is especially favored. Serendipitous moments abound! Then, the Moon in Aries forms a positive sextile to Neptune in Aquarius (exact at 2:46pm EST) causing our imagination/creativity to soar. This transit is also beneficial for daydreaming, idealism, intuition, romance, music, poetry, abstract ideas, mysticism, etc. It is possible to be more charming around this transit. Anyone have rose-colored glasses? This will start a 9 hour void-of-course Moon cycle that will last until the Moon transitions into stabile Taurus. Lastly, the Moon transitions into Taurus (exact at 11:39pm EST). Positive Taurus Moon activities are: focusing on organizing your finances, clipping coupons, decorating, designing, sensuality, cooking & eating luscious foods, organizing your home, massage, singing, and comfort. Try to avoid: laziness, relaxing too much, stubbornness, obstinacy and being too stuck in your ways. These will be the lunar themes over the next 2 & 1/2 days.
(Saturday 1/23/10)- There will be lots of Lunar transits today and one planetary transit. Three out of the seven Moon transits will be positive. Keep in mind that Lunar transits are shorter in duration than planetary transits. It starts overnight, when the Moon in Taurus makes a positive sextile with Jupiter in Pisces (exact at 1:51am EST) helping us to feel optimistic and/or lucky. This is an ideal time to be with friends or to work with a group of people. It is also beneficial for spirituality/religion, higher or continuing education, horses, law/legal matters, advertising, sales, and publishing. Then, the Sun in Aquarius will form an uncomfortable square with the Moon in Taurus (exact at 5:53am EST). So, toward the early morning we may experience some tension between friends or loved ones. This won’t be conducive to feeling very supported. Sometimes this transit brings (minor) squabbles. Then, the Moon in Taurus will form a flowing trine to Pluto in Capricorn (exact at 7:19am EST). This will greatly assist us in processing our emotions and is beneficial for all types of counseling & cathartic experiences. It will be hard to be superficial around this time. Both Taurus & Capricorn are earth signs, so this is a good time for connecting with nature. Next, the Moon in Taurus will form an annoying quincunx with Saturn (R) in Libra (exact at 8:12am EST). It may be hard to complete everything on our “list” or to get organized. It’s also possible that our emotions could make it hard to work around this time. Luckily, this influence will be short… In the later morning, the Moon in Taurus will square Venus in Aquarius (exact at 11:36am EST). Although we will have a drive to be with others around this time, it would be best to avoid heavy conversations pertaining to love. Sometimes the object of our affections is just out of reach (or otherwise detained) around this transit. The is not a good time to go shopping or work on beautification because what we think looks good now may seem like a bad idea at a later time.
Later in the evening, the Moon in Taurus makes a flowing trine to Mercury in Capricorn (exact at 5:07pm EST). This transit will assist us to express how we feel. It will be much easier to speak with friends and loved ones during this time. We may have an urge to be social around this transit and is highly beneficial for all kinds of relationships. Then, the Moon in Taurus will form an uncomfortable square with Mars (R) in Leo (exact at 10:03pm EST). As with all Mars transits, I recommend doing something physical or exercising around this time (gardening, housework, working on the car, etc. all count!). Sexuality can be enhanced around this transit. Did you ever have a moment where circumstances seem like they are conspiring against you? Often, this transit results in a culmination of things that can be annoying. Sometimes small irritations or quarrels can result. Lastly, Mercury in Capricorn will form a slightly uncomfortable semisquare with the “Wounded Healer” Chiron in Aquarius (exact at 10:25pm EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Past memories may come flooding in around this time. Forgiveness (or the need to forgive) often accompanies this transit. This can increase sensitivity, so please choose your words carefully.
Mark your calendars! Next Saturday (1/30), there will be a Full Moon in Leo with a Lunar conjunction to Mars (R)…talk about intensity?
The above transits are often felt collectively but you would need to know where within your chart that they would fall. As always, I am available for a professional astrological reading. I now have a variety of charts to choose from (relationship, life path, time-line, etc). I can do readings in-person or over the phone. Or if you’re not into having a reading I can just supply a chart. Please feel free to contact me for more information! Have a great week! Bye for now……
Peace & Light,
Gretchen A. Hidell, Astrologer
Intuitive Counselor/Gem/Crystal Work
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