I am very excited to announce that I have found a new place to do private Astrology Readings, Reiki, Life Coaching, and Hypnosis!! I will be available on Wednesdays and Fridays between 2-7 PM. Please call me for an appointment, as I will not be taking walk-ins. It is located at 65 Pearl St. in lovely downtown Burlington VT (it is a dark red brick building). There is metered street parking and across the street behind the restaurant Bove’s there are also metered parking spaces. Please feel free to call me with questions or to book an appointment. #802-999-4677.
Current Planetary Positions:
Please reference the Blog entry on the date the planet went into that sign for an explanation.
Sun: Leo 7/23-8/23
Moon: Changes signs (approximately) every 2 ½ days.
Mercury: Leo 8/8-9/9
Venus: Leo 7/28-8/21
Mars: Cancer 8/3-9/18
Jupiter: Taurus 6/4/11-6/12/12
Saturn: Libra 7/21/10-10/6/12
Uranus: Aries 3/11/11-5/16/2018
Neptune: Aquarius 8/4/11-2/3/12
Pluto: Capricorn until 1/20/24
Chiron: Pisces 2/8/11-4/18/2018
Current Retrograde Planets:
Please reference the Blog entry on the date the planet went Retrograde for an explanation.
Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn 4/9/11-9/16/11
Uranus Retrograde in Aries 7/9/11-12/10/11
Neptune Retrograde in Pisces 6/3/11-12/10/11
Chiron Retrograde in Pisces 6/8/11-11/10/11
Coming up Mercury turns Retrograde in the sign of Virgo on 8/2/11-8/26/11!!
I wanted to add a footnote to my entries. I include the time that a transit will be exact so that you can see when it waxes and then when it starts to wane. However, the effects are often felt sometimes even as long as a day or two. The energy is usually felt more strongly during the time leading up to the height and then it slowly starts to dissipate after. Keep in mind that Moon transits tend to last a shorter period of time than planetary transits.
(Sunday 8/14/11)- Today and tomorrow will consist of entirely Moon transits. Keep in mind that Lunar transits are shorter in duration than planetary transits. Overnight, the Moon in Aquarius makes its monthly opposition with Mercury (R) in Leo (exact at 1:29am EST). You may find that you are not able to express yourself as easily or someone may cut you off from saying something. It will be hard to put your thoughts into words. This is a time where someone may oppose your thoughts or feelings. The key is to integrate the two (thoughts & emotions), although it may not be easy. Then, the Moon makes its monthly conjunction with Neptune (R) both in Pisces (exact at 8:25am EST) causing our imagination/creativity to soar. This transit is also beneficial for daydreaming, idealism, intuition, romance, music, poetry, abstract ideas, mysticism, etc. It is possible to be more charming (or to meet charming people) around this transit. Because idealism & escapism can be enhanced with this transit, I wouldn’t make a big decisions or sign contracts around this time. If you are sleeping while this event occurs, it may be possible to have prophetic or “visitation” dreams. This will also be the beginning of a short void of course cycle that will last until the Moon transitions into the mystical Pisces Moon. When the Moon makes no major planetary aspects to another planet, before it switches into the next sign, is call “void of course”. It is best to not do anything new during these times because it has a decreased chance of working or will have delays. The Moon transitions into dreamy Pisces (exact at 8:54am EST). Activities that are favored during Moon in Pisces: creativity, intuition, spiritual aspirations, higher consciousness, connection with feelings, counseling, music, art, photography, nature and especially being near water, and charitable work. Things to avoid are: getting so caught up in others feeling that you put your aside, excessive escapism, and acting like a martyr. These are all themes that will last the next 2 ½ days.
In the afternoon, the Moon forms its monthly conjunction with Chiron (R) both in Pisces (exact at 3:55pm EST). You may be presented with an opportunity to heal or to be healed. Holistic and alternative medicine is especially favored. Serendipitous moments abound! Later in the day, the Moon in Pisces will form a positive sextile with Pluto (R) Capricorn (exact at 6:55pm) helping us to connect with what is going on under the surface. This transit is beneficial for: cathartic experiences, deep conversations, and all forms of counseling are favored during this transit.
(Monday 8/15/11)- Like yesterday, today consist of all Moon transits. There will be another LONG void-of-course Moon cycle that will last from early today into late tomorrow. Today may have a slow or dragging quality. Hopefully we will begin to feel the effects of the big Sun/Venus/Mercury conjunction tomorrow! Overnight, the Moon in Pisces forms a flowing trine with Mars in Gemini (exact at 12:07am EST). Our actions will be in harmony with how we feel. We may crave action around this time or have more energy. People will be inclined to fight for what they believe is right. Then, the Moon in Pisces makes a positive sextile with Jupiter in Taurus (exact at 4:21am EST) helping us to feel optimistic and/or lucky. This is an ideal time to be with friends or to work with a group of people. It is also beneficial for spirituality/religion, higher or continuing education, horses, law/legal matters, advertising, sales, and publishing. This will start a LONG void-of-course Moon cycle that will last until later tomorrow night when the Moon transitions into pioneering Aries. Lastly, the Moon in Pisces will form an annoying quincunx with Saturn in Libra (exact at 11:24am EST). It may be hard to complete everything on our “list” or to get organized. It’s also possible that our emotions could make it hard to work around this time. Luckily, this influence will be short. The remainder of the day will be under the influence of the (void-of-course) Pisces Moon….
(Tuesday 8/16/11)- I will be doing Astrological Readings at Spirit Dancer today between 3-6pm **Please note the time change** (I take my last reading at 5:30pm). This is a great opportunity to get an introductory reading from me at a discount-$30 ½ hr. They are located at 125 S. Winooski Ave in Burlington, VT (across from the fire station). Walk-ins are welcome or you can call me for a time. The store’s number is 802-660-8060.
There will be a triple conjunction today between the Sun, Mercury and Venus all in the sign of Leo! Conjunctions in astrology simply mean that planets are in the same degree of the same sign. The energy of the conjunction depends greatly on the sign that they're in, where they fall within your own chart, and of course if they're aspecting any other planets within your own chart. I have heard conjunctions described as a laser beam of energy; it is certainly very concentrated. They generally don't have a connotation of being good or bad, just complex and intense energy. It also depends on what planets are involved in the conjunction. In this case, the Sun, Mercury, Venus are all considered to be "benevolent" planets. Of course, all of Leo's qualities will be highlighted during this time. This triple conjunction will be felt for most of this week…
Early in the morning, the Moon in Pisces will form an annoying quincunx with Venus in Leo (exact at 6:29am EST) possibly causing a monkey wrench in the love department. It could be that the object of our affections is somewhat inaccessible around time…. unfortunately the same could be true with our finances too! Double-check your bank account before making a big purchase. Just after, the Moon in Pisces will form an annoying quincunx with the Sun in Leo (exact at 6:31am EST). It may be hard to feel supported around this time. Accomplishments may go unrecognized. It is possible to clash with someone younger than yourself (like a parent child relationship). Then, the Sun will make its annual conjunction with beautiful Venus both in the sign of Leo (exact at 8:08am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t looking forward to this one! This is beneficial for both love and money. We may be focused on our heart’s desire right now…which may be a person, vocation, material object, etc. The Sun tends to make us a little ego-centric and we may be only thinking about ourselves and not how we affect others. The only caveat is that we may just feel like taking the day off or getting a massage instead! The air may smell a little crisper today and the birds may be chirping just a little louder. Take the time to recognize the beauty that exists in this world and within each and every one of us. Just after, the Moon in Pisces will form an annoying quincunx to Mercury (R) in Leo (exact at 8:33am EST) possibly causing blocks in communication. It may be nearly impossible to express ourselves. You ever had a time that you couldn’t put your thoughts into words?
In the evening, Mercury (R) in Leo forms an uncomfortable semisquare with Mars in Cancer (exact at 5:22pm EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Think before you speak! This may cause us to feel restless and fidgety (attention those with ADD or ADHD). If the energies are harnessed properly, ideas can be brought to fruition. Things may be moving at a fast pace and may be a little aggressive, so make sure you use patience and don’t skim over details. Next, Mercury (R) will form a tight conjunction with Venus both in Leo (exact at 7:21pm EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. We may have love on the mind and want to talk about it! Hobbies, artistic, and social endeavors are favored. It may be possible to have a money-making idea (or opportunity); take the time to write it down before you forget! If you’re single, you will be drawn to an intelligent & witty person. If you are in a relationship, have fun laughing with your partner (maybe watch a comedy or go to a show)! You know what they say; your brain is the biggest sex organ! Then, the Moon finally transitions into pioneering Aries (exact at 8:01pm EST) after being void-of-course the entire day! Aries Moons are similar to New Moons. It is considered to be a favorable time to start new projects, physical activities (like sports or working out), dynamism, leadership, competition, and action. Things to avoid are being too bossy, arrogant, and insensitive during the next 2 1/2 days. Aries rules the head, so pay attention to stress; especially of you are prone to tension headaches. Lastly, the Sun will conjunct Mercury (R) both in Leo (exact at 8:01pm EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Finally some clarity! If you have felt like you were in a fog for most of the week, this transit will help. Even though Mercury is still Retrograde, this will greatly assist in getting both communication & travel plans worked out. It will be easier to assimilate information. Writing, emailing, faxing….go for it! This may be a time of social activities and invitations to parties/events. Take advantage of harnessing this time of mental clarity and use it to your advantage! This will be helpful in improving relationships with siblings, teachers, or with someone younger than yourself. With Leo’s influence also take this time to concentrate on yourself, children, arts/entertaining, your own business (entrepreneurial endeavors) and creativity.
(Wednesday 8/17/11)- I am available for private Astrological Readings, Reiki, Life Coaching, and Hypnosis today between 2-7pm. Please call or e-mail me to schedule an appointment!
This is a good time to remind you that astrological energy from conjunctions doesn’t just dissipate overnight. Unfortunately, today the Moon will be negatively aspecting multiple planets. I am hoping that the energy from yesterday will spill over into today softening the Moon’s effects.
Just after midnight, Venus in Leo will form a slightly uncomfortable semisquare with Mars in Cancer (exact at 12:27am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. This transit may bring some tension (especially with love, family, & finances). However, we may have a drive to be social around this time. We will want to act on our feelings; just make sure you look before you leap. I always advise doing some sort of physical activity whenever Mars is involved because Mars’ energy will want to get out one way or another; of course this may not be comfortable energy of you are trying to sleep! This is also a good time to look within and find your “hearts desire” whether that be a person, vocation, hobby or otherwise. Sometimes this will bring up sexual tension. Then, the Moon will form its monthly conjunction with Uranus (R) both in Aries (exact at 4:03am EST). The Uranus connection can bring us unexpected inspiration/ideas & can enhance clairvoyance & channeling. This can highlight technology, electricity, inventing, and unexpected events. Due to Aries’ influence it can also assist with a pioneering spirit and breaking out of your rut. If you are sleeping during this time, it may cause disruption in sleep or vivid dreams. Next, the Moon in Aries will square intense Pluto (R) in Capricorn (exact at 6:17am EST) possibly throwing a speed bump in our path. Someone could know how to push our buttons and really get under our skin. It is important to have good boundaries with others and remember not to overstep yours.
In the afternoon, the Sun in Leo will form a slightly uncomfortable semisquare with Mars in Cancer (exact at 3:07pm EST). Remember, all of these are planetary transits and their effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. It seems the more we assert ourselves and the harder we try, the more resistance will be felt. The best advice I can give around this transit is, leave your ego at home! There could be aggressive attitudes, competitiveness, ego-centric behavior, arguments, temper tantrums, and quick judgments around this time. There may also be an increase in accidents and/or speeding (please be careful while driving & allow extra time to get to your destination). We may have a lot of extra energy, so make sure it is channeled properly (like with exercise) and playfulness. Just after, the Moon in Aries will form an uncomfortable square with Mars in Cancer (exact at 3:11pm EST). As with all Mars transits, I recommend doing something physical or exercising around this time (gardening, housework, working on the car, etc. all count!). Sexuality can be enhanced around this transit. Did you ever have a moment where circumstances seem like they are conspiring against you? Often, this transit results in a culmination of things that can be annoying. Sometimes small irritations or quarrels can result. Later, the Moon in Aries will have its monthly opposition with Saturn in Libra (exact at 11:47pm EST). Luckily the duration of this event is short and the height may occur while we are sleeping. Sometimes this can give us a feeling of loneliness or isolation. We may feel passed over or possibly not getting the recognition that we deserve. It’s possible that our feelings may get in the way of responsibility.
(Thursday 8/18/11)- The astrological day starts in the afternoon when, Mars in Cancer will form a positive sextile to optimistic Jupiter in Taurus (exact at 12:49pm EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Physical energy should be high today. This is a beneficial transit for any type of physical activity, exercise, physical therapy, and (especially) group sports. This is a day for action! This transit will also be favorable for career endeavors, law or legal issues, planning to further one’s education, humanitarian efforts, and possibly speculative endeavors. Be on the lookout for opportunity today! Then, the Moon in Aries makes a flowing trine to Mercury (R) in Leo (exact at 5:02pm EST). This transit will assist us to express how we feel. It will be much easier to speak with friends and loved ones during this time. We may have an urge to be social around this transit and it is highly beneficial for all kinds of relationships. The remainder of the day will be under the influence of the Aries Moon….
(Friday 8/19/11)- I am available for private Astrological Readings, Reiki, Life Coaching, and Hypnosis today between 2-7pm. Please call or e-mail me to schedule an appointment!
Just after midnight, the Sun in Leo will form a beautiful trine to the Moon in Aries (exact at 12:13am EST). This is beneficial for all kinds of relationships (especially with children) and assists in making us feel loved and supported. This is also an ideal time to be close to pets or nature. Very pleasant indeed! Then, the Moon in Aries forms a flowing trine with Venus in Leo (exact at 1:53am EST). You could find your thoughts with friends or loved ones. It is possible to receive a compliment on how you look. Love, beauty, art, creativity, and aesthetics will be favored (and because of this reason, shopping too). Pamper yourself! Next, the Moon in Aries forming a positive sextile to Neptune (R) in Pisces (exact at 7:50am EST) causing our imagination/creativity to soar. This transit is also beneficial for daydreaming, idealism, intuition, romance, music, poetry, abstract ideas, mysticism, etc. It is possible to be more charming around this transit. Anyone have rose-colored glasses? If you are sleeping while this event occurs, it may be possible to have prophetic or “visitation” dreams around this time. This will start a short void-of-course Moon cycle that will last until the Moon transitions into stable Taurus (exact at 8:36am EST). Positive Taurus Moon activities are: focusing on organizing your finances, clipping coupons, decorating, designing, sensuality, cooking & eating luscious foods, organizing your home, massage, singing, and comfort. Try to avoid: laziness, relaxing too much, stubbornness, obstinacy and being too stuck in your ways. These will be the lunar themes over the next 2 days.
In the afternoon, the Moon in Taurus forms a positive sextile with (the “Wounded Healer”) Chiron (R) in Pisces (exact at 3:26pm EST). You may be presented with an opportunity to heal or to be healed. Holistic and alternative medicine is especially favored. Serendipitous moments abound! Lastly, the Moon in Taurus will form a flowing trine to Pluto (R) in Capricorn (exact at 6:54pm EST). This will greatly assist us in processing our emotions and is beneficial for all types of counseling & cathartic experiences. It will be hard to be superficial around this time. Both Taurus & Capricorn are earth signs, so this is a good time for gardening or connecting with nature.
(Saturday 8/20/11)- In the early morning, the Moon will form its monthly conjunction with Jupiter both in Taurus (exact at 5:14am EST) assisting us in feeling optimistic and upbeat. This is an ideal time to work with groups of people. It also highlights/benefits: travel (especially long distance), other cultures, higher education, law, publishing, advertising, sales, horses, and spirituality. Then, the Moon in Taurus will form a positive sextile with Mars in Cancer (exact at 7:27am EST). As with all Mars transits, I recommend doing something physical or exercising around this time (the energy will need a constructive outlet). Sexuality can be enhanced around this transit. Our feelings will be in alignment with how we act. Make sure to put your actions toward positive pursuits!
In the afternoon, the Moon in Taurus will form an annoying quincunx with Saturn in Libra (exact at 1:00pm EST). It may be hard to complete everything on our “list” or to get organized. It’s also possible that our emotions could make it hard to work around this time. Luckily, this influence will be short. The remainder of the day will be under the influence of the Taurus Moon….
Mark your calendars! Monday Venus moves into Virgo (8/21), Tuesday the Sun moves into the sign of Virgo (8/23), and Mercury turns Direct on Friday (8/26)!!
The above transits are often felt collectively but you would need to know where within your chart that they would fall. As always, I am available for a professional astrological reading. I now have a variety of charts to choose from (relationship, life path, time-line, etc). I can do readings in-person, Skype, or over the phone. Or if you’re not into having a reading, I can just supply a chart. Please feel free to contact me for more information! Have a great week! Bye for now……
Peace & Light,
Gretchen A. Hidell, Astrologer
Intuitive Counselor, Reiki Master, Gem/Crystal Work
NLP Hypnotherapy Life Coach
Ordained Minister (Interfaith) & Certified Spiritual Healer
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