My Schedule:
Monday & Thursdays – Phone/Skype. Intuitive Astrology
Readings, Life Coaching, Hypnosis, & Remote Reiki Sessions.
Tuesdays – Introductory Astrology Readings at Spirit Dancer 125 S. Winooski Ave in Burlington, VT.
Wednesday & Fridays – Intuitive Astrology Readings, Life
Coaching, Hypnosis, & Reiki Sessions at 161 North Street in Burlington, VT.
I have appointments between 2-7pm, so
please give me a call to schedule. It is
a two-story white house and there is ample parking in the back.
Current Planetary Positions:
Please reference the Blog entry on the date
the planet went into that sign for an explanation.
Sun: Capricorn 12/21-1/19, Aquarius
Moon: Changes signs (approximately) every 2 ½
Mercury: Capricorn 12/31-1/19, Aquarius
Venus: Sagittarius 12/15-1/8, Capricorn
Mars: Aquarius 12/25-2/1
Jupiter: Gemini 6/12/12-6/27/13
Saturn: Scorpio 10/5/12-12/24/14
Uranus: Aries 3/11/11-5/16/2018
Neptune: Pisces 2/3/12-3/31/25
Pluto: Capricorn until 1/20/24
Chiron: Pisces 2/8/11-4/18/2018
Current Retrograde Planets:
Please reference the Blog entry on the date
the planet went Retrograde for an explanation.
Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini 10/4/12-1/30/13
Keep in mind while you read this Blog that I include the time
that a transit will be exact so that you can see when it waxes and then when it
starts to wane. The effects of a transit
are often felt as long as a day or two (or even longer). The energy is usually felt more strongly
during the time leading up to the height and then it slowly starts to dissipate
after. It’s important to remember that
Moon transits tend to last a shorter period of time than planetary
transits. I will no longer be including
every transit that occurs, but rather highlighting the most dominant transits
(to make the Blog a little easier to read, in response to reader
(Sunday 1/6/13)- The dominant planet today will certainly be Mercury. All
forms of communication will be highlighted as well as travel. We could
certainly get into some very in-depth conversations with the Moon being in
Scorpio. Enjoy!
Just after
midnight, Mercury in Capricorn will form a pleasant semi-sextile with Mars
in Aquarius (exact at 12:42am EST).
Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects will be felt
much longer than a Moon transit.
This transit will be beneficial for mental agility, technical skills,
writing, hand/eye coordination, quickness, fast-talking, debating, and even
possibly speeding…don’t get a ticket!
This is a good time to put your thoughts into action! Write out a list…and start crossing things
off! Keep in mind that the Moon will be void-of-course until the Moon transitions into secretive Scorpio (exact at 1:09am EST). Favorable Scorpio Moon activities
are: anything related to research, occult, detective work, self discovery,
digging below the surface (both figural & literal), passion, mysteries,
secrets, etc. Things that are not
favored or exacerbated during the Moon in Scorpio are: jealousy, anger,
intensity, and surgery (it can delay healing time). These will be themes over the next 2 ½ days. Next, Mercury will form a conjunction with
Pluto both in Capricorn (exact at 11:43am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and
its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. If you have to give a speech or a sales pitch
to someone right now…well you couldn’t have picked a better time! Communication skills will be persuasive &
powerful. Hot topics right now will be
sexuality, transformation, psychology, secrets, and fears. If you are able to face these subjects with
openness and honesty; then real healing could occur. It would be a good time to whisper
sweet-nothings into your partner’s ear.
Use words to arouse passion (the good kind!). Any Pluto transit does have a dark side, so
watch for obsessive thinking, honoring boundaries, and jealousies.
In the evening, Mercury in Capricorn will form
a positive sextile with Saturn in Scorpio (exact at 6:44pm EST). Remember, this is a planetary
transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Sextiles usually present opportunity, but
will take some work on your part to have it come to fruition. A slow and steady approach is called
for. Focus on one thing at a time,
otherwise there is a good chance mistakes will be made or it will need to be
done over anyway. In fact, this is a
good time for mental discipline. Stick
with the facts while communicating. A great time for building foundations, goal
setting, and long-term planning!!
Lastly, Mars in Aquarius will form a mildly favorable semisextile
Pluto in Capricorn (exact at 11:18pm EST). Remember, this is a planetary
transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Around this time it's possible to feel a
strong need to change some area of life (most likely it will pertain to
business with the association of Capricorn).
This transit could give us increased energy and possibly sex drive! All types of physical exercise are
encouraged, especially competitive sports & martial arts. The only caveat
is to be careful to not push yourself or others too hard around this time.
(Monday 1/7/13)- In the morning, the Moon in Scorpio will positively sextile the Sun in Capricorn
(exact at 6:31am EST). This
is an ideal time to be with friends & loved ones. This transit is conducive for feeling
supported. Maybe it’s time to do
something nice for your sweetheart? This will be
the start of a VERY LONG 21+ hour void-of-course
Moon cycle that will last until tomorrow morning when it transitions into
adventurous Sagittarius. When the Moon makes
no major planetary aspects to another planet, before it switches into the next
sign, is call “void of course”. It is
best to not do anything new during these times because it has a decreased
chance of working or will have delays.
In the afternoon, Mars in Aquarius forms an
uncomfortable square with Saturn in Scorpio (exact at 2:33pm EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and
its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Mars wants to go, go, go and Saturn’s
approach is slow & steady. These
planets don’t have the same energy, and that is the problem. Mars will give us the energy, but be prepared
to be in it for the long haul. Put your
energy towards organization and goal setting.
If the Universe throws you speed bumps around this time, try not to
react with anger and simply handle it with grace. Miscommunications and travel delays are also
(Tuesday 1/8/13)- Overnight,
the Moon transitions into
Sagittarius after a very long void-of-course
Lunar cycle (exact at 3:28am
EST). It is said in Astrology that the Lunar transition between
Scorpio and Sagittarius is the most stressful of all the Moon transition. So use caution around this time and allow for
(minor) setbacks. Activities that are
favored during Moon in Sagittarius are: sports, horseback riding, outdoors/nature,
spiritual aspirations, higher consciousness, honesty/bluntness, law/legal,
higher learning, education, travel (especially international), and getting out
to meet people. It is best to avoid
taking too strong of a stance and not being open to others opinions, as people
will usually defend their beliefs rigorously at this time. These themes will be prevalent for the next 2
½ days. Then, the Moon in Sagittarius forms an uncomfortable square with Neptune in
Pisces (exact at 5:34am) telling us to not believe everything we are
told. Illusion, escapism and deception
will be prevalent. On the positive side,
creativity will be high around this transit.
If you are sleeping while this event occurs, it may be possible to have
prophetic or “visitation” dreams around this time. Next, the Moon in Sagittarius will form a
flowing trine with Uranus in Aries (exact at 11:29am EST) helping us to
step up to the plate and do the right thing, even though it may be somewhat
unconventional. We could get sudden
revelations or ideas, so write them down!
Technology (like computers), inventing, New Age ideologies, and
friendships are favored around this transit.
In the afternoon, the Moon in Sagittarius makes a stressful opposition with Jupiter (R) in
Gemini (exact at 3:05pm EST).
Sometimes this can zap our self-confidence. Conversely, we could also feel a little too
confident and over state our abilities (possibly over promising). Just remember you won’t always feel this way
and there are only so many hours in a day….it is OK to say no! Next, the Moon in Sagittarius will form a
positive sextile with Mars in Aquarius (exact at 9:28pm EST). As with all Mars transits, I recommend doing
something physical or exercising around this time (the energy will need a
constructive outlet). Sexuality can be
enhanced around this transit. Our
feelings will be in alignment with how we act.
Make sure to put your actions toward positive pursuits! This will also be the beginning of another VERY LONG 30+ hour long void-of-course Lunar cycle that will
last until the Moon transitions into hardworking
Capricorn on early Thursday morning!!
Later in
the evening, Venus will travel into the sign of Capricorn (exact at 11:11pm
EST). Words and phrases to describe
Capricorn are: “I Use”, Cardinal/Earth,
ambition, self-discipline, hard work, motivated, coldness, condescending,
frugal (sometimes cheapness), responsible, slave-driver, public ambition and
tradition. It is associated with the
skeleton, knees, teeth and falls and metal is lead. Stones: Amber, Black Onyx, Ruby, Agate, and Garnet.
The planet that rules love, finances,
aesthetics, and beauty is moving into this serious sign. On a collective level we will be
transitioning into a more serious, commitment-oriented time. Power and ambition will seem more
appealing. If you are single and looking
for a mate during this time, you may be looking for someone with good breeding
and an accomplished resume. If you are
in a relationship, this is a good time to make long-term plans with your
sweetheart; maybe even feeling a renewed sense of commitment. Actually, business matters in general are
favored. This is a good time to prepare
and do tax planning. Speculative
ventures and high risk investments are less favored. Our tastes may be more geared towards the
classics or even retro-styles during this time.
Spending time with the elderly (or folks that are older than yourself)
is also favored. Venus will
transition into quirky Aquarius on 2/1/13.
(Wednesday 1/9/13)-
Today will be unusual because
there are no significant lunar or planetary aspects occurring. Today may have a
slow or dragging quality to it because the entire day we will be under the
influence of a void-of-course Lunar
cycle in the sign of Sagittarius. Normally, during a Sagittarian lunar phase we
would be feeling adventurous and potentially partaking in risk-taking endeavors.
However, right now is not an ideal time for such pursuits. Complete all tasks and
tend to details.
(Thursday 1/10/13)-
after midnight, Venus in Capricorn will form a positive sextile to Neptune
in Pisces (exact at 12:45am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and its effects
will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. This will give
us a dreamy and idealistic outlook on the day.
When it comes to love, we will have our rose colored glasses on
today. Love relationships will take on
an ethereal quality. If you are single,
and you meet someone under this influence you will have the feeling that you
were meant to be together. It’s possible
that a friend could become more than a friend.
It would feel like you are seeing this person in a new light. This will be a beneficial day for creativity,
arts, music, film, etc. Next, the Moon transitions into hardworking
Capricorn after a very long void-of-course
Lunar cycle (exact at 3:54am EST). Themes
that will be prevalent over the next 2 ½ days are: business endeavors,
discipline, work, goal setting, drive, public ambition, and tradition. Try to avoid: workaholic tendencies,
coldness, and using people for personal gain.
Then, Mercury in Capricorn forms a slightly uncomfortable semisquare with Neptune in Pisces (exact at 6:49am EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and
its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Be careful (especially) with business
dealings around this transit. If it
sounds too good to be true, then it probably is! Review all fine print closely and if possible
put off signing any contracts. We will
want to idealize people/situations around this time. On the positive side: creativity, intuition,
and imagination could be increased too.
In the evening,
the Moon in will be making its monthly conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn
(exact at 7:22pm EST) adding emotional intensity to the
mix. This may help with insights
pertaining to business and financial endeavors.
Helping to “pick up” on the undercurrent of a situation. This is also beneficial for therapy,
cathartic experiences, passion, and ferreting out secrets. Lastly, the Sun in Capricorn will form a slightly uncomfortable semisquare with
Chiron in Pisces (exact at 9:25pm EST).
Remember, this is a planetary
transit and its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. Did something come up recently that made you
start thinking about that situation all over again? Living in the past is so time consuming and
can be painful. Try not to let your ego get in the way, and allow the
healing to begin!
(Friday 1/11/13)- Today may be one of the most
positive astrological days this week. Early
bird gets the worm today. Not to say that later in the day won't be as pleasant,
just keep in mind that we will be in another void-of-course lunar cycle and we may be inclined to overindulge
when the Sun highlights Jupiter. In the morning, Moon will conjunct Mercury
both in Capricorn (exact at 7:25am EST) assisting with
communication, short distance travel and feeling supported by others. It will be very easy to express feelings and
emotions around this time. This is a
great time to write (like journaling) or to express emotions.

(Saturday 1/12/12)-
The Moon will transition into Aquarius (exact at 4:01am
EST). Activities that are favored
during Moon in Aquarius are: social endeavors, friendship, technology,
humanitarian efforts, politics, inventing, and New Age ideologies. Things to avoid: are getting too caught up in
the greater good and masses that you forget the individual & their
feelings, and being overly fixed in your own unique way of doing things that
you can’t consider someone else’s good ideas.
In the afternoon, the Moon in Aquarius will
form a positive sextile with Uranus in Aries (exact at 12:09pm EST) helping
us to break out of our rut and even do something that may be somewhat unconventional. Technology (like computers), inventing, New
Aged ideologies, and friendships are favored around this transit. Then, the Moon in Aquarius makes a flowing
trine with Jupiter (R) in Gemini (exact at 3:11pm EST) helping us to feel
optimistic and/or lucky. This is an
ideal time to be with friends or to work with groups of people. It is also beneficial for
spirituality/religion, higher education, horses, law/legal matters,
advertising, sales, and publishing.
Next, the Moon in Aquarius will form an uncomfortable square with
Saturn in Scorpio (exact at 8:58pm EST).
Luckily the duration of this event is short. Sometimes this can give us a feeling of
loneliness or isolation. We may feel
passed over or possibly not getting the recognition that we deserve. It is better to work on organization around
this time. Lastly, Venus in Capricorn
will form an uncomfortable square with Uranus in Aries (exact at 11:13pm EST). Remember, this is a planetary transit and
its effects will be felt much longer than a Moon transit. It’s possible that an exciting, creative
person or project suddenly comes into your life creating a little tension.
Nervous energy…but in a good way! Time
to go with the flow! This is a good time
to “surprise” you romantic partner with a nice gesture. You could also have a “surprise” financially;
this could mean that you unexpectedly got a bonus OR are overdrawn on your
checking account! You may find yourself
attracted to the avant garde. We may be
drawn to something or someone that is different for the sake of being
different….make sure there is substance before becoming enthralled.
Next week: On
Friday 1/19/13 the Sun and Mercury will transition into the sign of Aquarius!!
The above transits are often felt
collectively but you would need to know where within your chart that they would
fall. As always, I am available for a
professional astrological reading. I now have a variety of charts to
choose from (relationship, life path, time-line, etc). I can do readings
in-person, Skype, or over the phone. Or
if you’re not into having a reading, I can just supply a chart. Please feel free to contact me for more
information! Have a great week!
Bye for now……
Peace & Light,
Gretchen A. Hidell, Astrologer
Intuitive Counselor, Reiki Master, Gem/Crystal Work
Master NLP Hypnotherapy Life Coach
Ordained Minister (Non-Denominational) & Certified Spiritual
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